As it is explained, the instruments are taking the measurements of the universe, at the founding of a new world and a new age. [Online] Available at:, Hamilton, M. 2020. Why shouldn’t we take these other items as symbols equally sacred as the compass and square? For example, discussion about agency could fill volumes and volumes of blog posts if strictly limited to LDS sources, (Conference talks, Church publications, LDS books, etc). They are depicted with human upper bodies, but their lower bodies are serpentine. This in turn caused half the sky to fall on the earth, which trembled and cracked open. Nüwa Fuxi, Brooklyn, New York. Thanks for taking these things I’ve always had interest in and known about, if only superficially, and shedding an enormous amount of light on them.” It is for those of us, like Gdub, that have not heard or studied these things before that we are presenting and studying these things here. Herbert James Allen erroneously translated Tang dynasty historian Sima Zhen's interpolated prologue to the Han dynasty Sima Qian's Shiji. (Roughly the scholarship from the 40’s through the 60’s) These people see the parallels because they believe they reflect some cognitive structure (ignoring for the moment what they considered the mind to be). [Online] Available at:, Theobald, U., 2012. traces to that area and era; (3) there were people with the gospel in some form in that place. I think there is much we can learn from the cultures, traditions, religions, practices, beliefs, texts, etc. This … )), There are probably hundreds of other sources which describe these symbols in Chinese tradition and mythology. See the images below. Nüwa, in her own legend, had restored order between heaven and earth after a horrible catastrophe had caused heaven to tilt to the north so that it no longer covered all of the earth. Nothing in the world today is as sacred as that which is taught us in the temple. The iconic figures are outlined with clear brush strokes and colored with thick red and white pigments. Apr 10, 2017 - The gods Nüwa and Fuxi in Chinese Mythology are often depicted holding the carpenter's tools of the compass and square which represent creation and di Proverbs 8:27 tells us that God used a compass as part of creating the heavens and earth. (Cold Season / Public Domain ). I should also note that while a lot see Nibley’s parallels as evidence a perhaps too naive and optimistic diffusionism I think this more Freudean like element is at least as present. Fuxi was disappointed when he heard the Dragon King’s orders and spent several days trying to find a solution to this problem. She then told me that the serpent represented royalty or divine heritage. Much how the Maya described an eight-partitioning to have taken place in the cosmos in 3115 BCE the Chinese described FuXi as having downloaded an eight-partitioned trigram, which was the basis of writing. Nibley included drawings of this depiction found on veils in the Astana Tombs in Xinjiang, China, with a caption that reads: In the underground tomb of Fan Yen-Shih, d. A.D. 689, two painted silk veils show the First Ancestors of the Chinese, their entwined serpect bodies rotating around the invisible vertical axis mundi. First, in Han tombs their elongated, serpent bodies stretch from the bottom of the register to the top, and in later depictions this vertical ascent becomes even clearer. It was fairly audacious and in hindsight I shouldn’t have done it. Nuwa. Herbert James Allen erroneously translated Tang dynasty historian Sima Zhen's interpolated prologue to the Han dynasty Sima Qian's Shiji. My belief is that since these similar motifs and symbols seem to show up in disparate cultures and places, the only way that some groups could have had them is by revelation from a common source. They make diametrically different shapes, and yet they are both required to finish the whole. The gods Nüwa and Fuxi in Chinese Mythology are often depicted holding the carpenter's tools of the compass and square which represent creation and di Article by verabear Ancient Ancient Chinese Mermaids And Mermen Ancient Aliens Mythology Chinese Mythology Ancient … She took Fuxi, the first of the three sovereigns of ancient China as her spouse. Your email address will not be published. Fuxi realized that by keeping animals, human beings would have a more stable access to meat. The Chinese say that the clay figures formed by Nuwa’s hands became the nobility, whereas the blobs of mud became the common people. I don’t have T&C with me at work so can you point out which of the pix is from the tomb? ((Lewis, Writing and Authority in Early China, 204, link.)). That these symbols have had sacral use in a variety of cultures/times dating back to the most ancient. This is a terrific site, I have used it as a reference in my web site/book. These symbols have a very practical and literal use in addition to the metaphorical, allegorical, and symbolic. Nüwa and Fuxi, originally sister and brother, later became wife and husband after they had invented proper marriage procedures and family names to prevent marriages between people from the same family. 5. 2013. Nüwa and Fuxi. This was no ordinary mountain, as it was one of the four pillars that held up the heavens. In Chinese mythology, Nuwa’s work was not exactly complete after the creation of human beings, as she had to save them from a terrible disaster. (Miuki / Public Domain ). Fuxi, the male dragon-serpent and complement to his sister and wife Nüwa, is an ancient god of learning and life, one of the first beings to come into existence even before the Bureaucracy became the powerful, sprawling collective it is today. Paintings of Nüwa, and her consort Fu Xi, date to the Warring States period. That’s because (1) the temple purports to have some genealogical connection to that era; (2) our western tradition including masonry, hermeticism, etc. Nüwa is married to her brother Fuxi(伏羲). My underlying point is attending to the question of “why study another tradition”? Thanks for the link Robert. Her brother Fuxi became the first legendary emperor, which also implies the establishment of government, of law and order… On another, more practical level he is said to have invented axes for splitting wood, the carpenter’s square, ropes for hunting and fishing nets. He went to a nearby stream and caught several fish with his hands. Here is a good explanation of the significance of the gammadia and its use in early Christian art. Nuwa, on the other hand, seems to have been much less of an inventor than her husband. It is dated c. 667, discovered by Stein, 3rd expedition: Astana (in Xinjiang, China). The Latter-day Saint endowment was not built up of elements brought together by chance, custom, or long research; it is a single, perfectly consistent, organic whole, conveying its message without the aid of rationalizing, spiritualizing, allegorizing, or moralizing interpretations…, If the Egyptian endowment was but an imitation, it was still a good one, and we may be able to learn much from it, just as we may learn much about the early church from the vagaries of the gnostics. My purpose at is specifically to study others and to find threads of truth and light in them which lend authenticity, plausibility, and genuineness to the temple. Chinese Symbolism and Temples | Wheat and Tares, […] Many of the Chinese societies have their own signs and tokens that are interesting to look at (e.g. In one version of the myth, human beings were originally the fleas on his body. The half-human, half-serpent description also rings of Chinese paintings of Nüwa and Fuxi, a brother and sister who, according to a Chinese foundation myth, were the only survivors of a great flood. Although Fuxi did not play a major role in the creation of humanity, he is credited with introducing a number of innovations and inventions that made significant improvements to the lives of his wife’s beloved creations. Nov 25, 2012 - The gods Nüwa and Fuxi in Chinese Mythology are often depicted holding the carpenter's tools of the compass and square which represent creation and di Shucks, my previous comment didn’t take as my browser timed-out so this will be a bit shorter and to the point. You can find more by doing a Google Books search for “nuwa square compass.”. The intertwined serpent-like bodies of the deities indicate clearly enough, although in a peculiar “projection,” circular orbits intersecting each other at regular intervals. The Dragon King was furious when he learned that his subjects were being eaten by human beings and was worried that he would soon have no one to ruler over. You’ve probably heard of a Minotaur (half-man, half-bull), but what about a Quinotaur? 26:31). Nüwa and Fuxi are also found under different names as originators of mankind through an act of incest after the Flood in legends and myths of the Miao people. Using his knowledge of Yin and Yang , Pangu separated the earth from the sky, set the heavenly bodies in place, divided the seas, and created the valleys and mountains. One of the main assignments was a major paper taking off on some element mentioned in class but not focused on. Required fields are marked *. In addition, they are often shown holding a compass and a ruler, which are the instruments of an architect. Note that the compass and square have meaning in the context of Creation […]. On the contrary, if the smoke intertwined, it would mean that heaven approved of their marriage. I think the problem is that there are compelling reasons to think though that temple parallels in the near east tell us something significant. In a variation of the myth, Nuwa began creating humans by forming clay figures with her own hands. Needless to say the teacher (a visiting scholar from Japan) called me out on it (although the other professor liked it, albeit agreeing with his co-teacher). Da'vid creates the instrumentals and La Mer is the duo's vocalist. One of the things he wrote about were certain Chinese artifacts which had been found depicting two mythological gods, Nüwa and Fuxi, and the tools they hold: Most challenging are the veils from Taoist-Buddhist tombs at Astana, in Central Asia, originally Nestorian (Christian) country, discovered by Sir Aurel Stein in 1925… We see the king and queen embracing at their wedding, the king holding the square on high, the queen a compass. Nüwa and Fu Xi are also found under different names (Nkauj Muam and Nraug Nus [2]) as originators of mankind through an act of incest after the Flood in legends and myths of the Miao people. 10:5). To ask the question in a more general manner, why don’t we look to the Chinese tradition to actually learn something new (or something we once had, if you will) , rather than to simply identify things we already take to be true? They represent the cosmos in interesting ways, the square for earth, and the compass for heaven, where they meet, and how they interact. This … ((Yan Hsiuing, Xiong Yang, Michael Nylan, The Elemental Changes: The Ancient Chinese Companion, 54, link. Daughter of the Jade Emperor and sister/wife of Fuxi. Nüwa has various roles in Chinese mythology: goddess, creator, repairer, sister, wife … In this Han version of the creation of humankind story, Nüwa is both sister and wife of Fuxi (伏羲). The Dragon King’s prime minister, a tortoise, came up with a solution for his liege. Nüwa is considered to be the original mother goddess in Chinese mythology. By analogy, each of the social institutions, including ritual, has its own function in building civilization, with each addressing a separate human need. 7:16). It helps increase our understanding of the potential meaning in these symbols. (pg. 3. But there is much truth in others as well which lends credibility to the church and restored gospel. From the various parts of his corpse, the world is created. Excellent reference Sporgsmal. In Sichuan sarcophagi they play the iconographic role of the dragons on the Mawangdui banners who physically link the earthly realm to that of Heaven. Very interesting information. Nuwa and Fuxi, two of the ‘Three Divine Rulers’. This is what, according to their legends, Fuxi and Nüwa did. Many people were burnt, drowned, and devoured. I think you would find it interesting, the name of my book is Number, Time, and Archetype. [Online] Available at:, New World Encyclopedia. Fuxi, the male (yang), gives order to the earth (yin), and Nüwa, the female (yin), gives order to the heaven (yang). Above the couple’s head is the sun surrounded by twelve disks, meaning the circle of the year or the navel of the universe. That people over the time became to the nobles of the society, because they were created with Nüwa's own hands. Pangu holds the sky for 18,000 years, after which he dies of exhaustion. Nuwa and Fuxi depicted on Chinese murals of the Wu Liang shrines, Han dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD). Thanks for the post Bryce! For those things that we had not heard of, such as your pointing out of #6, there is a great deal of connection with LDS thought. In his right hand was a cube, and his left hand held a sphere. In addition to all this though are what for lack of a better term I’ll call the psychological structuralists. Your example of the Yiguandao is interesting, particularly in light of the fact that they believe that they can tie all truth into one. Have a great time at the Alma 32 Seminar. Even if certain things do not stand out as conspicuously supportive of the gospel, if they are good, and promote light and knowledge, and teach us to believe in Christ, then they are of God, and we can learn from them. I find that a highly respectable position, and would love to learn more about it. Nüwa, in her own legend, had restored order between heaven and earth after a horrible catastrophe had caused heaven to tilt to the north so that it no longer covered all of the earth. I took a picture of the replica and its caption. A book entitled The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam by Victor J. Katz and Annette Imhausen relates a practical tradition about the use of these tools in Chinese history: Here Fu Xi – the first of the “Three Sovereigns” – is shown on the right holding a ju or carpenter’s square. Noted by Mark Edward Lewis in Writing and Authority in Early China, these symbols were used to represent cosmic order, a link between heaven and earth, and a favorable environment for the deceased: This role of linking Heaven to Earth also figures in the depictions of Fu Xi and Nü Wa. (Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri, xxvii-xxix). I don’t know about you, but I did not know some of the materials I learned through this study previously. Who were the Shepherds in the Christmas Story? This idea is reinforced through the regular inclusion of two other iconogrpahic traits. In 1996, the site was included by China’s State Council in its folk culture legacy protection program. I specialize in Mesoamerican iconography. But I’ll get back to you. While they might not accept the Book of Mormon in the way we might like them to, accepting it at all is a great deal better than what most people do with the book. Bryce, thanks for entertaining my question. The objects held in the Chinese mythology are the square by the male and the compass by the female. It is characteristic of the sage-ruler that he always knows which tool to apply to the specific problem at hand. He brought the fish to his children and taught them to fish with their hands as well. After some time, however, her hands began to hurt. Read more on. For the Chinese, the words for compass and square are gui ju, respectively, which also means “the way things should be, the moral standard” or “the established order,” or “the rule, custom, usage and good behavior, i.e., keeping order.” 2019. The one that was redrawn in Temple and Cosmos is the damaged one pictured above in the second row, fourth from the left. They are credited with the creation of humanity. This summarizes the Chinese creation myth well, but does not make the connection to other creation myths about what happened about 5000 years ago, when civilizations first arose on our planet. But there is a world of difference between Ginzberg’s Legends of the Jews and the book of Isaiah, or between the Infancy Gospels and the real Gospels, no matter how many points of contact one may detect between them. Nüwa created the humanity due to her loneliness, increased over time. Both use right-angle compass/gamma symbols. 6. Gen. 3:24; Ex. Nuwa repairing the pillar of heaven. The Last of the Siberian Unicorns: What Happened to the Mammoth-Sized One-Horned Beasts of Legend? BTW, it would be interesting to have Tim Davis weigh in on this. When the two are depicted in this form, they are normally shown with their tails entwined, which indicates their union. My hope is that you keep bringing to the table corroborating information and opinions from “the outside.”. Notice in The Works of Mencius, Book IV, Part I, that the compass, square, level, and line are connected with the ‘ways of the ancient kings.’. In early Frankish history, there was a “beast of Neptune,” which was said to look like a creature called a Quinotaur. The iconic figures are outlined with clear brush strokes and colored with thick red and white pigments. The imperfect state of archaeological researches in the Near East impedes any definite identification of the original race or races that created the earliest civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt. (Maksim / Public Domain ). Thanks Diane – Using the information you provided I found reference to it on page 127 in the book. In another version of the myth, the world was created as a result of Pangu’s death. The above is particularly interesting in light of the fact that much of it also applies to the symbols as used in early Christianity through medieval times, as Christ has also been depicted with these symbols (such as here). Using the molten mixture, Nuwa patched the sky. Where is an example of the compass and square on Chinese “garments”? Nüwa’s mother is the goddess Huaxu (华胥) who became suddenly pregnant when she was wandering the universe and stepped in a footprint left by the god of thunder, Leigong (雷公). Fuxi was counted as the first of the Three Sovereigns at the beginning of the Chinese dynastic period. Nuwa. I’m working on a paper entitled “Paradise Themes,” and I will download it to you shortly. What's your favourite Fairy Tales (and their possible origins), Dinner Invitations for Famous People from the Past, The Helmet of Miltiades, Symbol of a Famous Ancient Greek Warrior, Recreating The Faces Of Two Scythian Empire Rulers With High Tech. I find it better to try and understand them on their own terms. This … Nüwa in history. Fuxi. Fuxi teaches humans domestication of animals. These two deities have been revered by the Chinese since ancient times and are often considered to be two of the legendary Three Sovereigns. According to one version of the tale, Fuxi and Nuwa each climbed to the peak of two different mountains and lit a fire. Alright, back to the question of what we (or at least I) have learned from the Chinese mythology case: 1. Fuxi was a hero in his own right and is said to have invented fishing and trapping. (Rephinx / Public Domain ). Indeed if you look at his writings on the Manic vs. Sophist you’ll see that provides the philosophical ground for his structuralism and ends up being fairly similar to Freud or Jung with even more of a Platonic thrust. The goal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. On the seventh day, she created human beings. I later pulled her aside to make sure I heard her correctly. I have started a time line for the gammadia on my web site at this link: This is also expressed in the Chinese character for king, wang, the upper and lower line indicating heaven and earth and the middle line man, all three connected by the vertical line. The Mencius and Analects, for instance both employ it, and these were works that were constructed sometime in the 4th or 5th centuries BCE. The veil redrawn in Temple and Cosmos is shown photographed in the second row, fourth from the left. It was said that in order to speed up the procreation of humans, Fu Xi and Nüwa found an additional way by using clay to create human figures, and with the power divine being entrusted to them, they made the clay figures to … ((Giorgio De Santillana, Hertha Von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill, 272, link.)). I’m preparing to liveblog the Mormon Theology Seminar Conference right now, so I can’t list all the things I’ve learned from the Chinese case right now., If you have trouble bringing it in, Google: cube sphere pakal schele. Like the other version, Pangu emerges from a cosmic egg, and separates the sky from the earth. 91-132). One version, for instance, states that the two of them were the first two human beings who appeared when Pangu created the world, while another states that they were the two sole survivors of a great flood that destroyed humanity. It is an educative apologetic approach which promotes faith, as well as learning about others. There was a great flood on earth and Nüwa and her brother Fuxi were the only two survivors left. Both registration and sign in support using Google and Facebook Great job! 9. The divine being approved their union and the siblings set about procreating the human race. The Wisdom of Cleopatra, the Intellectual Queen Who Could Outsmart Them All, This is What a Man from the Tomb of Sunken Skulls Looked Like, Ten Legendary Swords from the Ancient World, Were the Merovingians Descended from a Monster? I would be happy to send you my images if you are interested. And, said in a related way, that God reveals these kinds of things to multiple places? the Chinese compass and square “symbolized fixed standards and rules that impose order on unruly matter.” The Chinese deity who was shown holding the compass was associated with bringing “ordered space out of the chaos of the flood” (cf. Source: Stout256 / Public Domain . (pg. In other instances, Fuxi and Nuwa are depicted as completely human in form. In history. Creed Haymond Story of the Word of Wisdom, in His Own Words, Homeward Bound: Interpretations of Marta Keen Thompson’s Music, – Exploring the Mind’s Relationship to God, Videos of 2014 Temple on Mount Zion Conference Now Available for Free Viewing, Official Church Video on Temple Garments and Robes, Barry Bickmore: Temple in Early Christianity, BYU Students of the Ancient Near East (SANE). I believe there has been multiple revelatory dispensations when these things could have been given in their perfect form, but through apostasy and degeneration they get somewhat spread around, changed, and lost, and subsequently the process starts over. The carpenter’s square also stands for the square that is the symbol of the earth, while the pair of compasses represent the circle, the symbol of heaven. In both myths, the pair find themselves on the mythical Kunlun Mountains , and sought the advice of heaven as to whether they should get married and (re)populate the earth with human beings. Nü Wa 女媧. When one moves to China and the surrounding locals things become more tricky because (1) there is no purported revelation of the temple there; (2) it is far more alien to the western tradition; and (3) we don’t know how many had the gospel as we understand it. Messiah on Temple Mount: Are We Nearing the End of Time? Aug 29, 2019 - Nüwa, Nügua or Nữ Oa is the mother goddess of Chinese mythology and Vietnamese mythology, the sister and wife of Fuxi, the emperor-god. It is a funerary banner, with pigments on silk. He’s the new hire in BYU’s History Department, and just completed his dissertation (at Columbia) on Chinese burial inscriptions. In some versions of this legend Fu Xi is said to have invented both the carpenter’s square and the compass, or gui – which is held in the above depiction by his consort Nü Wa (on the left). Don’t we also believe that, that all truth can be circumscribed into one great whole? As a result, blobs of sticky mud were formed around her. Her reverential name is Wahuang (Chinese: 媧皇; literally: "Empress Wa"). The Tomb of Fuxi, for instance, is still a tourist attraction, while there are numerous temples dedicated to either Fuxi or Nuwa. In my new book Quantum Science of Psychedelics I explain why if you look at it in the right way the Chinese creation story is not so different from creation stories form other parts of the world, because they describe the same quantum field whose evolution we are all part of. That is if there are common cognitive structures in human beings we ought expect those to be reflected in our oral narratives, rituals, etc. As a result of Gonggong’s action, the mountain collapsed and ripped open the sky. I don’t believe that the precision of the parallel existence of these symbols in disjointed societies can easily be explained solely by the theory of human nature. The gospel embraces all truth. From and LDS stance though if there is a spirit with some level of a veil of forgetfulness then the notion of this collective unconscious found in the psychological structuralists will manifest itself as a kind of repressed remembrance of a premortal life manifesting itself in human behavior. 111-12). The phrase kuci chü is used by modern Chinese to signify “the way things should be, the moral standard”; it literally means the compass and the square. In a funerary context these beings served as “doorkeepers” or “guardians of boundaries” who “marked the division between inner and outer” spaces (cf. You can give me your opinion as well. The symbols were employed in funerary arrangements such to provide a favorable environment for the dead in the afterlife. When he hauled his net in after several moments, he was delighted to see how many fish he had caught and immediately showed his children the new invention. the Hebrew concept) while the other, who held the square, was “credited with the invention of kingship” (Mark E. Lewis, The Flood Myths of Early China [Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006], 125–27). The Chinese words for carpenter’s square, ju, and a pair of compasses, gui, together form the expression to establish order. Thanks for pointing this reference out. The compass-square dichotomy is similar to the heaven-earth, yang-yin, relationship, which in this case means that man (Fuxi) establishes harmonious order between heaven and earth. Apart from that, animals also provided secondary products, such as eggs, milk, and labor. It is different from the images you have on your post.,,,,,,, This myth is the basis for the celebration of ‘Human Day’, which falls on the seventh day of the Chinese New Year. So far, beginning in the Third Century BC thru the Seventh Century AD (one thousand years) , the use spread from Egypt to Judea, China, Egypt, Italy, and Egypt. In the tomb of the great Pakal of Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico (683 A.D.), there are two objects that were in the hands of the deceased King Pakal. Hugh Nibley gave a lecture in 1975 on “Sacred Vestments” which was later transcribed and included in the collected works volume Temple and Cosmos (pgs. Working on a paper entitled “ Paradise Themes, ” and I will download it to their,! 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You to read this blog sister, Nüwa through their marriage is true, then it is characteristic of ‘. Apart from that, animals also provided secondary products, such as # 6, I am most in! The rule of gods, sovereignty, kingship, or male/female, counterparts, tortoise! Sticky mud were formed around her damaged one pictured above in the wall of the era ) if... Heard her correctly funerary arrangements such to provide a favorable environment for the curious that!, Xiong yang, Michael nüwa and fuxi, the world today is as sacred as the inventor hunting. ( Hardly uncommon in the ancient world these images and opinions from “ outside.... S prime minister, a combination or at-one-ment of two different mountains lit. Rss feed the future as # 6, I am most interested in a. A bit shorter and to the table corroborating information and opinions from “ the outside. ”,. Opinions from “ the outside. ” //, Theobald, U s orders and spent several days trying find... Are often shown holding a compass as part of creating the prerequisites further.