One of my dogs (they're both female) lifts her leg when she pees and the other doesn't so it depends on the dog. Amy is an award-winning Certified Animal Behavior Consultant and author of 27 pet care books. Praise the dog whenever it lifts its leg to pee. Female dogs may hump other female dogs when they are in unfamiliar territory (e.g. I’m not even sure his little Basset legs move that way. A lot of our customers have questions about potty training their dogs. Not as high as a male would though, but it's definitely up. While intact male dogs spray their urine more frequently than females, and lifting the leg makes this easier, even a neutered male may lift his leg to urinate -- … Your email address will not be published. But she does not lift her leg to do it, just squats very quickly. We've covered why dogs submissively urinate, now here's how to prevent urine-marking behaviors before they happen in your house.. Before doing anything else, take your dog to the veterinarian to rule out any medical causes for the urine-marking behavior. Otherwise, she'll clean herself off once the walk is done, but consider it a mark of her personality. A little female doesn’t want other dogs knowing how tiny she is. Keira doesn’t lift her leg but she stops and pees all the time. by Lindsay Pevny | Feb 8, 2016 | Dog Behavior | 23 comments. Lv 6. Why do dogs lift their leg and mark territory with urine? For my dogs I feel like it’s a marking their territory trait too. I’m a dog blogger and pet copywriter for outstanding pet industry businesses and product description writer. And it’s kind of hilarious when she’s wearing a dress – she looks like a walking contradiction. My parents have a 2 year old female Shih Tzu. That’s why dogs constantly freshen with new markings on top or nearby the original. Do you have any insight into the science behind why a male dog wouldn’t lift? By the end of the walk, he may run out of urine but continue to leg-cock, in effect simply going through the motions. But scent communication left by urine tells other dogs who has been there before them, how long ago the mark was left, the sexual status of that dog, and other important information. My blog posts are based on my experiences with Matilda and Cow, my research, anecdotes from friends and other dog owners on the web, and, as cited, opinions from experts that I’ve interviewed or quoted. - Little Dog Tips, Save Up to 45% Off Flea and Tick Solutions For Dogs on, Deals & Coupon Codes On Premium Dog Products. One of the supposed perks of having a female dog is the fact that they generally don’t stop to mark trees on walks. Walking a boy can take forever because he’ll lift his leg and squeeze out just a few drops of pee at every tree, fence post and bush. Grab your dog's leash and run it outside. The sniffers would then sniff the urine instead. Body language and vocal signals require the pup to be present to get the message across. Avoid neutering the dog at a young age. Sign up for FREE today. The scent of urine tends to fade as soon as it contacts the air. My parents have a 2 year old female Shih Tzu. A puppy's leg lifting also can be influenced by spay and neuter surgeries, although both intact and "fixed" pets use urine to mark. The older the dog, the more often she marked. Cats like to bury their 'doings' so they dig a hole and squat. While they love sniffing, dogs don’t enjoy being sniffed. Just the posing (even without urine) offers a visual display that other dogs understand. You can only correct her when you catch her by interrupting her and taking her outside. Some pups become so enthusiastic, they seem intent on throwing their hip out of joint to "baptize" everything they can reach! Dogs return to their own scent to mark, so if you do not clean the stains correctly, she will keep peeing in the same spot. Lindsay Pevny recently posted…10 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Blog Post, 1) Stop calling dogs “boy” and “girl”. One of the supposed perks of having a female dog is the fact that they generally don’t stop to mark trees on walks. ! If your dog lifts his leg to mark, there’s a good chance he might add a ground scratch to highlight his information as well. But some do. All puppies squat to urinate and the urge to actually mark develops with maturity from about five … Great post! New customer offer: Save 50%+ Dr. Marty Premium Freeze Dried Dog Food. Not usually as high as a male, but all 3 of my females lift a leg up and slightly forward when squatting. Spencer the Goldendoodle recently posted…DIY Valentine’s Day Treats. Train the dog to lift its leg simply by lifting it up yourself with a command, and then rewarding the dog with its favorite treat. Q: Why? Custom paintings by Matilda are available for sale. We have all boys, so I never really knew this thing about females. Stark. And she lifts her leg to pee! (Use a harness if your dog is not fully leash-trained – even gentle reminder tugs can hurt her neck if you’re using a flat collar.). During walks with your pup, he may stop you every five yards or so to leg-cock against a tuft of grass, telephone pole, or other obvious landmarks. Lifting his leg gives your dog the ability to aim his pee higher. Maureen recently posted…Xylitol Is A Dog Killer & It’s In Your Kitchen! Last night, on his last little trip outside, he was skunked. Making a mark gives other dogs the opportunity to sniff and learn more about their new friend without overwhelming her. LOL! Stop your dog immediately if you see it start to sniff or lift its leg. Extremely dominant dogs may even urinate against a person's leg, and intact indoor dogs often feel compelled to scent their household top to bottom. Great post! VERY FUNNY DOGFemale dog pee like a male dog - Duration: 0:07. Like a business card pinned to a public bulletin board, the urine is readily noticeable to other dogs. Did it happen naturally or did you teach him? Continue this training until your dog loses interest in those spots. Before the compulsion to mark, they're peeing just because they have to pee, and squatting is more convenient. When we’re at the park, Matilda works extra hard to impress other parkgoers by lifting her leg to poop. My little cockadoodle/maltese mix lifts her leg up to pee. Male dogs also often squat to urinate. Dog sling are the best solution for older dogs hampered with less mobility; Lifts both the legs and abdomen together hence pressure is not concentrated in a single place; Comes with a special protector panel for males and can be easily removed while using for female ones; Easy to remove sections in the dog sling harness allows it to clean quickly Since this study only followed 12 dogs of the same breed, I feel the need to keep digging. She is certainly marking territory just like a male dog. Solvit Makes Traveling With Your Pet Easy. Sorry to hear you’re offended by my content! And you may wonder, at what age does a male dog lift his leg to pee. Has anyone else ever seen a female do this? Why Does My Dog Hide Her Toys With Invisible Dirt? Many dog owners won’t take a liking to their dog being humped by another dog so this is a behavior you will want to pay close attention to anytime you take your dog to the dog park. If it really bothers you, at the time it occurs say no and remove her off the other dog. Love & biscuits, Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them Cathy Armato recently posted…3 Dogs Looking For Valentine Love, This is very interesting. Since leg lifting is a marking behavior, it can develop in females who are more confident and/or eager to claim positions of authority. study observing 6 spayed and 6 intact, not-in-heat Jack Russell terriers. So her lifting a leg is not unusual. That figures, Matilda will lift her leg even if she’s running on empty! It should be noted that not all male dogs will cock their leg when marking their territory, although this is the most common way. Marking is different than elimination behavior. We raised her with Mattie who was a boy – she thought that’s how she was supposed to pee. I’ve never had a female dog that lifted their leg to pee, but I have seen it done by other dogs. She drinks plenty of water then after a while she goes pee and goes plenty but after ten minutes from the time she went she seems to want to go again sometimes droplets. Lindsay Pevny lives to help pet parents make the very best choices for their pets by providing actionable, science-based training and care tips and insightful pet product reviews. Another interesting motivation for dogs to mark – to avoid butt-sniffers. 4 0. Most owners are not surprised or alarmed if their male dog lifts his leg on a few bushes, fence posts and fire hydrants outside. Additionally, despite common misconceptions, some females raise their leg to mark their territory too. We rescued a female dog (6 months) that lived her life until that moment in a very small cage. I found an interesting study observing 6 spayed and 6 intact, not-in-heat Jack Russell terriers. Marking with scent not only indicate ownership but also act as a canine bulletin board. Speed up the walk, jog, and change directions to keep your walk interesting, and she won’t mind having fewer opportunities to mark. Urine marking by leg lifting is a typical canine male behavior by which a dog marks his territory. Fingers crossed! A: BECAUSE IT MAKES YOU LOOK STUPID. In contrast, marking is done from a standing position by cocking a rear leg and aiming the urine stream at a (usually) vertical object. She sometimes would hump a leg when she was younger till about 3-4 YO I think. But it truly is normal for girls too. I’ve got the reverse problem! My daughters male dog has never lifted his leg… go figure! The Spruce Pets uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. However, the behavior could be an indication of anxiety. She was raised with two male dogs, but still, it's bizarre, especially when she tries to mark things. Most girls don’t mark their territory. Why do male dogs do it more often, and most females, never? One time, a lady jerked back her dog and yelled, "Your dog's peeing on mine!" I hope you feel better soon. Awesome Aussies !!!! Female dogs also engage in urine-marking. This is why it is more common to see dogs such as Beagles, Bracco Italianos or Bloodhounds engaging raising their front paws in this way. How to Stop Dog Urine From Damaging Your Grass, Sunny & Honey Pet Stain & Odor Miracle Review, How to Stop Your Dog From Peeing in the House, Why Dogs Roll In Poop and Other Stinky Things, How to Stop Submissive or Excitement Peeing in Dogs, Puppy Development From 6 Months to 1 Year. Now that he is the boss dog (even though our 1-year-old Wheaten has a good 25 pounds on him), he raises it higher and prouder than ever. He's otherwise perfectly normal and happy other than this quirk. You should allow your female opportunities to mark at the beginning and end of your walk, and anytime when she’s hanging out in your backyard. Just the pose can be a visual signal to any watching dogs. Make a loud noise such as a yell or clapping. But walks can be tedious if she’s stopping every few feet on your walks. There is a little female Yorkie in our neighborhood who also lifts her leg to pee. She had a lot of confidence too. MattieDog recently posted…What Happens If You Predecease Your Pets? You mark your stuff by putting your name on it; your dog marks their with urine. So it's not a case of him being empty as he does this both before and after his first pee of the walk. I know its a funyn question but Scamp is coming up to 6 months and still squats like a girl to do a pee! A Husky Life recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: Synchronized Snoozing, Interesting. Anxiety. In his book, "Ain't Misbehavin': The Groundbreaking Program for Happy, Well-Behaved Pets" author and animal behaviorist John Wright cites Dr. Peter Borchelt's research into sexual dimorphic behaviors (behaviors that differ between males and females), which shows that 90% of males urine-mark and 95% lift their leg to … a “dress”). That’s a long introduction to Zee’s newest problem: urine marking. My mom’s male dog didn’t lift his leg to pee for a long time. Video: 78055350 when they are introduced to many new dogs in a dog park). This is really interesting, thanks! Hi Dr. Debra – I have a seven-year-old female Basset Hound, recently I have noticed that she wants to go pee and nothing comes out. When the purpose is to simply void a full bladder, female dogs usually urinate downward in a crouched position over a flat surface like the ground. I think lifting the leg comes with the marking. There’s a lot of other bad stuff that happened to her too – but it’s the experience of not being ‘shown’ how to be a dog, by another dog, that impacted her. Both male and female dogs urine mark—boys start between six to twelve months of age—but typically it is the male that is most enthusiastic. They understand that it is normal for a dog to do this. However, they sometimes get carried away and mark inappropriate targets. He has peed in my house seven times this week, once a day, not missing a morning. Gradually reintroduce freedom. He never has. Hi – thanks for your email. Female Dog Lifts Her Leg To Pee - Duration: 0:36. She lifts her leg just like a boy dog does. 2) Stop dressing your dog with human-like clothes (eg. Most girls don’t mark their territory. Now saying this, I did have a neutered male that would squat to pee! If she’s marking excessively, and squeezing out a few drops because she’s running on empty, feel free to rush past her targets. Portion of proceeds go to Chihuahua rescue. Janet. But the funny thing is that she lifted both back legs and sort of hand-stand pee’d! They marked more often when they weren’t close to home. I’ve seen female dogs mark before and it was mainly the confident ones who didn’t hesitate to assert themselves in any situation, that were doing the marking. Although they primarily use urine, some pups also scratch the ground after eliminating to leave visual signs while the paw pads leave scent cues. The timing of leg lifting behavior coincides with puppy developmental stages but varies from puppy to puppy, with some starting much earlier than others. A female dog humping is a very natural thing. Be sure to clean up stains with an enzyme cleaner. i've seen females lift their leg as high as a male to mark things. So now he’s a leg lifting, STINKING little dog. Great post! There is a very big difference between a puppy squatting and peeing in a puddle on the floor, and an older male dog peeing on things like furniture, doorways and clothing. A small dog will have a lower mark and a bigger dog will have a higher one. She might suddenly begin marking because she has reached maturity, or even because she’s stressed. When a dog lifts its front leg, it is part of the hunting sequence. It's not a sexual thing what so ever, more often than not it either playful behavior or dominance. It must be awful to have such strong feelings about people you’ve never met. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. The physical act of lifting a leg allows your dog to pee higher. It is all boys around here, but Bentley doesn’t lift his leg. When did yours raise his leg? Wordless Wednesday: Synchronized Snoozing, DIY Dog Project: Easy Geometric Treat Jars, Irritated Skin – How to Ease Your Allergic Dog’s Suffering, 10 Ways To Get More Traffic To Your Blog Post, Will A Micro Prong Collar Stop Your Toy Dog From Pulling? The amount of urine is small and is found primarily on vertical surfaces, but dogs do sometimes mark on horizontal surfaces. Dog urine marking is not a bathroom training issue but rather an issue concerning a whole range of instinctive behaviors. It was so rare, I excused it. To other dogs, a higher stain appears to have been made by a larger dog. Your email address will not be published. Some female dogs will lift their leg to mark there territory many dogs that feel they are the dominate one of the area. Dog Lifts His Leg To Mark His Territory - Download From Over 151 Million High Quality Stock Photos, Images, Vectors, Stock Footage. Beth | Daily Dog Tag recently posted…DIY Dog Project: Easy Geometric Treat Jars, This was very interesting. Their peeing stances ranged from squat-lift (the most common amongst them), squat, arch-raise, combination and handstand. Praise the dog whenever it lifts its leg to pee. The higher the scent marking the more prominent the scent will be and the more dominant the dog will seem in the canine pecking order. Praise her for returning to your side. You could call it doggy Pee-Mail. One of the questions we frequently get is about intact, older male dogs who are turning up on furniture. Bailey lifts her leg because it's how she marks things, so it's also how she pees. Save 10% on HempMy Pet Organic CBD Oil & Treats when you enter LITTLEDOGTIPS at checkout. Contact me to find out how I can help you reach pet owners on the web! This places the scent at a convenient nose sniffing level, just as people would place a Post-It Note at eye level to attract the most attention. While it may be perfectly normal dog behavior, it’s not acceptable for dogs to choose to mark inside homes and public places. Train the dog to lift its leg simply by lifting it up yourself with a command, and then rewarding the dog with its favorite treat. If you have any concerns about your dog’s health or behavior, contact a vet or a trainer. She may be using her urine to communicate her fears – she might be feeling insecure. M. K. Clinton recently posted…A Letter to Mom, One of my girls lifts her leg while on walks or in the yard sometimes. I think she picked it up from my male dog. some females squat and tip up one leg just for peeing, which i see often. Allow your dog to socialize with another male dog that lifts its leg to mark territory. Lindsay Pevny/Little Dog Tips is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Answer. When the purpose is to simply void a full bladder, female dogs usually urinate downward in a crouched position over a flat surface like the ground. Some female dogs will lift their legs when urinating, while some males will urinate the traditionally female way by squatting. They understand that it is normal for a dog to do this. Is your dog often around other dogs? It is so cute and funny when she does it. Your dog may be fully housetrained and would not dream of peeing in the house but to a dog lifting his leg to scent mark is not the same as wanting to have a pee. If your dog lifts its leg outside, praise and reward. This is how I understand it too. I understand the small dog doing it trying to make themselves look bigger. Save money while giving your dog the very best in food, accessories, toys, and supplies! No one knows for sure how or why leg lifting got, ahem, kick-started. My Husky and my Berner both females did the same thing. It’s very impressive. Allow your dog to socialize with another male dog that lifts its leg to mark territory. Sweet Purrfections recently posted…Throw Back Thursday, This is interesting, I’ve never noticed the two female dogs I have now lift their legs, but our female Yorkie when I was kid and in my twenties did sometimes. And I have seen a few other female dogs who lift their leg to be all the time. Zooey always lifts her leg when dogs she's somewhat interested in want to sniff her. Less-than-confident dogs probably feel awkward, probably the way lots of humans feel weird at parties. Male dogs use their urine to communicate; when they lift a leg to pee, they can more accurately deposit it on the surface of their choosing. urinate as other dogs were sniffing their butts, learn a lot about each other from urine markings. She was raised with two male dogs, but still, it's bizarre, especially when she tries to mark things. Not as high as a male would though, but it's definitely up. "Say, if a male dog who has always lifted his leg suddenly stops, and starts squatting." Bruin is our only boy and he has yet to lift or leave his mark! I thought it odd at first, but then it made for quicker walks because he didn’t stop to mark each and every tree . Great post! But she always peed like a boy dog and still does. I chalked it up to his difficult beginnings in life. My mission is to educate pet owners to help them become the best advocates for their pets’ health and happiness. Estee 346 2,764 views. It’s an important part of dog-to-dog communication. 1 decade ago. I'm worried it might be a bladder infection or something but he does not seem to be in any distress. lol Golden Daily Scoop recently posted…Solvit Makes Traveling With Your Pet Easy, Great post, I just joke that Layla is a little Butch and that is why she does it, but its great to really understand it all . Ze… Required fields are marked *. 4. I said, "No, she's a girl, and she's just letting your dog sniff her--that's how dogs meet each other." By using The Spruce Pets, you accept our. I’m thinking it’s about size insecurity. My dog does it sometimes when we are in another dog's yard, she will lift her leg and pee to mark territory. I brought it up to the vet, thinking he might have hip/back problems that don’t allow him to lift. Xylitol Is A Dog Killer & It’s In Your Kitchen! Apart from the changes in leg-lifting behaviors that are associated with reaching adulthood, it is important to take note if your dog changes the posture he or she takes when urinating. Some dogs have an obsession about marking their territory. Some dogs have an obsession about marking their territory. I think part of it is learning from others, a lot of male dogs would come into our yard to mark! How cute! Avoid neutering the dog at a young age. And she lifts her leg to pee! Has anyone else ever seen a female do this? But … An enzyme cleaner is the only way I know of to make her stop. All puppies squat to urinate and the urge to actually mark develops with maturity from about five months on, depending on the individual pup. Male dogs also often squat to urinate. Can Dogs and Cats From the Same Litter Mate? Hanging out at the dog park, encountering other dogs on walks, or even seeing other animals through the window can cause some dogs to mark their own territory. Dogvills recently posted…Irritated Skin – How to Ease Your Allergic Dog’s Suffering. You might be surprised to find your “potty-trained” dog marking inside your house. They are 10 times more likely to go on the lawn of a house that has dogs. I have heard that male dogs may not lift until they see other dogs doing it. Dogs were observed to step away and urinate as other dogs were sniffing their butts. I didn’t know or have I ever seen girls lift their legs! It’s hysterical for me to watch my female dog lift her leg and pee on a tree. Well not really a problem, but my male dog doesn’t lift his leg when he pees. You’ll need to watch her closely and restrict her freedom in your home until her behavior has changed. She never did it inside thankfully. I thought that was curious. Delilah does everything Haley does and she lifts her leg as well. Urine marking by leg lifting is a typical canine male behavior by which a dog marks his territory. This behavior is very different than potty accidents. And, it is the intact dog able to produce puppies that exhibit the most prominent behavior. Walking a boy can take forever because he’ll lift his leg and squeeze out just a few drops of pee at every tree, fence post and bush. She didn’t go outside or out of the cage. She might also be pulling on her leash to reach her desired canvas. Lots of females will lift a leg to pee. It’s normal and healthy for your female dog to want to mark. If you have a dog that lifts his (or her) leg on anything and everything, you know what a frustrating and disgusting habit this can be! She’s not obsessive about marking, the way some dogs are – she’ll usually do it only a few times each walk. They might smell a piece of distant pizza or even pick up on the urine smell of a female dog in heat. Bleach or regular carpet shampoos will not break down the enzymes that keep her coming back to the spot. The close contact with strangers can be scary for them. Yeah, I’m sometimes told that Matilda is… confused, lol. Spencer the Goldendoodle recently posted…. It takes very little urine to send the intended Pee-Mail message. Spaying had no significant effect on how often the dogs marked, but dogs in heat do mark more to advertise the fact that they’re ready to mate. The Case Of The Peeing Jack Russell Terriers, How To Get Your Female Dog To Stop Marking, Stop Your Dog From Lifting Her Leg In The House. A dog’s social status can be determined by the height of their mark. I watch how they sniff and where they go. There's really not much you can do about this other than rewarding her when she pees normally (butt to the grass). Mature dogs lift one leg in order to mark territory with their urine as high as they can. In fact, females actually mark territory too, not to the extent males do, but they do mark a bit. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, How To Get Your Dog To Pay Attention To You Outside, When Your Dog Doesn't Like - Or HATES - Men, Pupstrology With Astromaji - Your Dog's Personality Profile Based On Their Zodiac Sign, Santa Uses Reward-Based Training: An Essay Based On Five Points Of Evidence. Neutering and spaying greatly reduce the leg-cocking behavior, curtailing the baptism of bedroom walls, tires, and furniture. I, Lindsay Pevny, am not a veterinary professional, behaviorist or trainer, nor are any guest authors unless otherwise stated. For both spayed and intact: around half the time they peed, they were marking. Tell her “leave it,” or call her name to get her attention, then use very light pressure on the leash if she doesn’t hurry along. Honesty, I have never even heard of a female dog lifting her leg! Females may leg-cock to announce their breeding availability to male dogs. He started lifting his leg, tentatively at first, then more frequently. But turns out he’s fine, just chooses not to lift. What Happens If You Predecease Your Pets? Since Zee became part of the family, there has been an occasional puddle in the kitchen attributed to ZeeZee. She’s able to tack her poop onto a tree trunk or bush. Leg-lifting is the primary way of marking, but even if your pet does not lift his leg, he may still be marking. It always seemed so weird to me. She will not pee in open, only up against something like a bush, tree, wall etc. Redrockat 27,823 views. Changes in Leg-Lifting. Most owners are not surprised or alarmed if their male dog lifts his leg on a few bushes, fence posts and fire hydrants outside. Hi well handled Lindsey, and great article!! In some cases, new objects or people in the home, furniture, luggage, or conflict with other animals or people could cause anxiety that leads to urine marking. By lifting his leg, he gets optimal aim to show his stature. Dog marking behaviors use smell communication and leg lifting to spray urine and mark territory. You can’t punish your dog for a urine stain you discover long after the act. I was told as he got older he would probably start lifting his leg, but he never did. My Daisy Mae marks when we go to the part for a walk. Male dogs lift a single leg to pee because they do it with a purpose other than just relieving themselves. Learn more from AKC's dog training experts. Dogs can learn a lot about each other from urine markings, even avoiding conflict by making a no-stress social connection. There's a lot you need to know to make things go smoothly with your new friend. To have a strong presence, dogs want their mark to be as high as possible. I also have an Australian Shepherd darker blue merle female. In my research, female urine marking appears to be more common in small dogs, especially chihuahuas. And mark territory too, not to lift or leave his mark probably awkward... Part of it is the intact dog able to produce puppies that exhibit the most prominent behavior in our who! Sometimes get carried away and mark inappropriate targets wouldn ’ t enjoy being.! Dog behavior | 23 comments – to avoid butt-sniffers his little Basset legs move that way to other. Both females did the same breed, i feel the need to know make. And vocal signals require the pup to be in any distress do female dog lifts leg to mark lift! I chalked it up to his difficult beginnings in life months of age—but typically it is all boys, i! 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Dogs that feel they are the dominate one of the family, has... The same thing our yard to mark territory, she will not pee in open only. Also lifts her leg to mark running on empty when urinating, while some males will urinate the traditionally way... And funny when she does not lift until they see other dogs the opportunity sniff. Or a trainer its leg to pee marking with scent not only indicate but! I 'm worried it might be a visual display that other dogs knowing how tiny she is certainly territory! Be using her urine to send the intended Pee-Mail message has anyone else seen! | dog behavior | 23 comments smell a piece of distant pizza or even pick up on.. Can be a visual signal to any watching dogs Yorkie in our neighborhood also... Hump a leg lifting is a little female Yorkie in our neighborhood who also lifts her leg when he.. To many new dogs in a very small cage it trying to make her Stop:. Dog marking behaviors use smell communication and leg lifting got, ahem, kick-started tires, and supplies seen female. They weren ’ t know or have i ever seen a female dog lifts its leg to for. Do this females raise their leg to pee a problem, but it 's not a sexual thing so... Dog doing it funyn question but Scamp is coming up to his difficult beginnings life. Unfamiliar territory ( e.g feeling insecure is readily noticeable to other dogs were sniffing their butts, learn lot. Scamp is coming up to 6 months and still does the same thing but even if your pet not! Ahem, kick-started Russell terriers by interrupting her and taking her outside you accept our be scary for.. Are the dominate one of the questions we frequently get is about intact, not-in-heat Jack Russell terriers know. In another dog 's peeing on mine! vocal signals require the pup to all! Her off the other dog with a great user experience fears – she thought that ’ s in your until! Any watching dogs to claim positions of authority this was very interesting posted…DIY dog Project: Geometric. Of distant pizza or even because she ’ s day Treats primary way of marking, but all 3 my! Hear you ’ re offended by my content and mark territory with their as!