The European Patent Organisation is an independent inter-governmental organisation. The European Patent Convention (EPC), when ratified in 1973, created the European Patent Office (EPO) as a regional patent examination and granting authority. In 1973, sixteen countries signed the European Patent Convention (EPC), which came into force in 1977. In the new text, the wording of the provisions of the Convention shall be aligned, where necessary, in the three official languages. The Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC; Russian: Евразийская патентная конвенция) is an international patent law treaty instituting both the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) and the legal system pursuant to which Eurasian patents are granted. Return to European patents European Patent Convention; EPO – countries that are covered by European Patent Convention (EPC). These countries are: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro. A European patent application consists of: a request for grant Some of these include the Eurasian Patent Convention, the European Patent Convention, the OAPI (whose member countries are a number of African nations), the Pan-American Treaty, ARIPO (whose member countries comprise a different group of African nations) and certain bilateral agreements. It provides member states with a unique procedure from application to grant, followed by a validation procedure in the designated countries. EPC Member States also retained national patent systems, which coexist with the EPO. If you are seeking protection in only a few countries, it may be best to apply direct for a national patent to each of the national offices. It was signed on 9 September 1994 in Moscow, Russia, and entered into force on 12 August 1995. If designated as an extension state a European patent can be treated as if it were a national patent. Patent applications passed to grant by the EPO are recognized by EPC Member States as national patents. The European Patent Convention (EPC) of 1973 multilateral treaty instituting the European Patent Organisation (EPOrg) and providing a legal system of which European patents are granted. It was reviewed at the Munich Diplomatic Conference in 2000 and subsequently came into force in 2007. The European Patent Office accepts applications under the European Patent Convention (EPC) and the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation is hereby authorised to draw up, at the proposal of the President of the European Patent Office, a new text of the European Patent Convention. The European Patent Organization (EPO) is an intergovernmental organization that was set up on October 7, 1977 based on the European Patent Convention (EPC) signed in Munich in 1973. Patent law in Europe is complex in that national patent laws co-exist with the European Patent Convention (EPC). This was the beginning of the European Patent Organisation. When an EPC application is filed, it should be in English, French or German and any or all of the 42 EPO member countries may be designated upon filing the regional application. Additionally, a European patent may be given effect in a number of countries that are not members of the European Patent Convention. The European Patent Convention is a multinational convention of which 38 member states participate in, including all 28 member states of the European Union and 10 other non EU member states.