Examples of permeablein a Sentence The cell has a permeablemembrane. permeable paving has been used in the Phase 3 parking areas with a total site area of approximately 1.2 Ha. The famous Venetian pozzi, or wells for storing rain-water from the roofs and streets, consisted of a closed basin with a water-tight stratum of clay at the bottom, upon which a slab of stone was laid; a brick shaft of radiating bricks laid in a permeable jointing material of clay and sand was then built. If this is the case then it may well be that an attitudinal border may prove much less permeable than an economic one. Examples of Permeable in a sentence The permeable material allowed a large amount of water to seep through. Examples of Impermeable in a sentence. Known as confined aquifers, they are pools of fresh water trapped in permeable rock strata at depths of 300 to 6,000 feet. To care for your hybrid lenses, treat them as you would treat rigid gas permeable or soft lenses. Mirrored contact lenses come in gas permeable only and only one size. Both soft and gas permeable contact lenses have advantages and disadvantages. visually permeable means the extent to which visibility through a boundary wall is possible and consists of voids, fencing, painted steel palisade, wire, cast iron work, steel railings or similar materials;[definition of "visually permeable" inserted by section … See more. Within the context of lowland permeable catchments, a single site would not be sufficient to address all issues satisfactorily. It is also known as rigid gas permeable contact lens. A selectively permeable membrane chooses which molecules are allowed to pass based on specific criteria (e.g., molecular geometry). The verb permeate means to penetrate, pass through, and often … This facilitated or active transport may require energy. impermeable. permeable. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to … A semipermeable membrane filter technology, can remove the dissolved salt and the organic matter efficiently. If the pores of the water face are thus rendered extremely fine, the surface water, carrying more or less fine detritus and organic matter, will soon close them entirely and assist in making that face the least permeable portion of the structure. Advantages of rigid gas permeable lenses include the ability to allow more oxygen to the eye, clearer vision because they maintain their shape regardless of tear content and other factors that can affect the wear of a soft lens. Artery walls are analogous to a selectively permeable membrane, and they allow solutes, including sodium and chloride, to pass through (or not), depending on osmosis. Also, please keep in mind that rigid gas permeable lenses are usually not available in theatrical styles; almost all of the novelty or theatrical contacts available are soft lenses. Learn more. Hard contact lenses, also known as rigid gas permeable hard contact lenses, are sometimes prescribed because they can provide a clearer view for some prescription types. Mirror tinted contacts are only available in gas permeable lenses. A number of products have been developed which are permeable to air and water. How do you use the word permeable in sentence? Try out Spruce , our … How To Use Permeable In A Sentence? First, you should know that selectively permeable is anexpression that defines the property of a membrane that allows some molecules to croos in and out it but not others. The cold air nipped through the permeable stockings that clung to the woman’s legs. If a substance is…. In the New Red Sandstone, the Greensand and the upper Chalk, we find the opposite extremes; while the igneous rocks are for the most part only permeable in virtue of the open fissures they contain. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Precisely the same thing happens in the actual crust of the earth, except that, in the formations usually met with, the strata are so irregularly permeable that no such uniform percolation occurs, and most of the water, instead of oozing out near the sea-level, meets with obstructions which cause it to issue, sometimes below the sea-level and sometimes above it, in the form of concentrated springs. The soil needs to be permeable with proper drainage. Permutation in a sentence. The dialysis membrane is permeable to all the plasma constituents, with the … On the upheaval of such rocks above the sea-level, fresh water from rainfall began to flow over their exposed surfaces, and, so far as the strata were permeable, to lie in their interstices upon the salt water. In many cases, they are not meant to be worn for as many consecutive hours as rigid gas permeable lenses because they don't always allow proper oxygen flow to the eye. Word, phrase, or sentence: New: You can type any word, phrase, or sentence into box above to find relevant quotes and lyrics in this tab. The condition, therefore, that there shall be no tension is important as an element of design; but when we come to construction, we must be careful also that no part of the wall shall be less permeable than the water face. If you do not wear gas permeable lenses for a week, there will be a certain amount of time that it takes to get used to them. Jacquerod and Perrot have found that quartz-glass is freely permeable to helium below a red-heat (Comet. A hybrid contact lens combines the perks of rigid gas permeable lenses with those of soft contacts to give you the clear vision of rigid gas permeable lenes and the comfort of soft contacts. When separated 2. On permeable soils, especially those of the terrace lands along the valleys, the soluble salts commonly known as alkali were gradually leached out and carried by the percolating waters towards the lower lands, where, reaching the surface, the alkali was left as a glistening crust or as pools of inky blackness. 32. What does permeable mean? Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) extended-wear lenses are made from plastic that also does not absorb water but is more permeable to oxygen than the plastic used for daily-wear lenses. The formation is probably more or less permeable throughout; it consists largely of loose sand and takes the general south-easterly dip of British strata. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Daily wear soft lenses are made of plastic that is permeable to oxygen and absorbs water; therefore, they are soft and flexible. Because the mortar is not permeable this moisture cannot evaporate from the mortar joint once rain stops. permeable sentence examples. Sentence Examples The nexine is an ultrafilter membrane, which is impermeable to most proteins. semi permeable membrane (talking in context to osmosis) dont allow solvent molecules to pass through it even if the spm has pores of bit larger size than it is of the solute particles. Hard contact lenses are made of a rigid plastic and are also called rigid gas permeable lenses. Additionally, Acuvue lenses are made of an extremely high oxygen permeable material, which is better for your eyes. These springs occur where the permeable chalk geology of the Wolds, meets im permeable mudstone and clays that underlie most of the Rase catchment. All Rights Reserved. You get the feel of the soft contact's outer edges with the sharp vision of the rigid gas permeable lens centered over the pupil of the eye. The channel is impermeable to anions but is permeable to a diverse group of cations. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. If you're a rigid gas permeable lens wearer, you're not home-free just because your lenses don't contain water, unfortunately. 3. Deep fine loam and clay soils with slowly permeable subsoils over chalky till. Although such uniformly permeable sand is rarely met with in great masses, it is useful to consider in greater detail so simple a case. The wear and care of them are not much different than other types, but they combine the best of the rigid gas permeable and soft lenses. But even watertight concrete is not impermeable to the passage of moisture. Impermeable materials were used to build a waterproof fort. Semipermeability can apply to both natural and synthetic materials. [ + to] Synonyms: penetrable, porous, absorbent, spongy More Synonyms of permeable As sodium chloride is one of the most permeable of crystalloids it seems strange that damage to the renal tissue should impede its excretion. (adjective) They come in various styles from daily disposables to gas permeable. Slowly permeable seasonally waterlogged clay soils over Tertiary clay (Windsor series ). The use of vapor permeable underlay to improve the thermal performance of the roof will inevitably change the roof ventilation requirements. Permeable in a sentence 1. These features occur on what is a very permeable rock which does not generally support surface drainage systems. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. permeable definition: 1. A partially permeable membrane is just one with small holes in it. The river Itchen is an example of a permeable chalk catchment. Find more ways to say permeable, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Rigid Gas Permeable: This kind of lens is manufactured from harder material and they maintain their shape even when they dry out. The less permeable materials should be confined to the inner parts of the embankments; this is especially important in the case of the inner embankment in order that, when the water level falls, they may remain moist without becoming liable to slip. Extended-wear soft lenses are highly permeable to oxygen, are flexible by virtue of their ability to absorb water, and can usually be worn for up to one week. Reverse osmosis a high pressure filtration system that uses selectively permeable membranes with extremely small pores to separate ions and particles. If a substance is permeable, it allows liquids or gases to go through it: 2. Thus natural or artificial surfaces which are completely permeable to rainfall may become almost impermeable when protected by surface water from drought and frost, and from earth-worms, vegetation and artificial disturbance. Semipermeable definition, permeable only to certain small molecules: a semipermeable membrane. The skin of amphibians is permeable to water. Use "permutation" in a sentence. To live is thus to keep all differences fluid and permeable in the fire of the life-process. Permeable means able to be penetrated or passed through, especially by a liquid or gas. The actual coal measure strata, consisting mainly of shales and clays, are generally impervious to water, but when strata of a permeable character are sunk through, such as the magnesian limestone of the north of England, the Permian sandstones of the central counties, or the chalk and greensand in the north of France and Westphalia, special methods are required in order to pass the water-bearing beds, and to protect the shaft and workings from the influx of water subsequently. The subsoil too is differently formed: the surface consists of very absorbent materials, then comes a stratum of less permeable tufa or peperino (sometimes clay is present), and below that again more permeable materials. a more fluid and pliable form of the nuclear family which some sociologists consider to be an emerging standard in modern Western culture.It varies greatly from the stereotypical nuclear family in five primary ways: (i) the larger the variations in family structures generated by divorcing, remarrying, and accepting cohabitation and single-parent structures- … Impermeable sentence examples. The other type of contact lens is the gas permeable. PT: There are several materials from which the contact lenses are made, such as RGP(rigid gas permeable), SH(silicone hydro-gel), soft contact lenses, etc. In areas where the soil or fill beneath the building is highly permeable blowing can work better than sucking. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. A vacuole is surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm which acts as a semi-permeable membrane. Applied research From the outset we have sought to protect our basic research activity with a " permeable membrane " of applied research. Sentence with the word permeable However, the seized products were in permeable packages and held under conditions that could affect the food's integrity and quality. Dry eyes can occur by wearing contact lenses or by wearing the wrong contact lenses. Permutation; ABC is one possible outcome or permutation. The CEDI system uses a combination of mixed resin, selectively permeable membranes, and an. Only the thinnest layer of flesh was permeable. Dams Any well-made earthen embankment of moderate height, and of such thickness and uniformity of construction as to ensure freedom from excessive percolation at any point, will in the course of time become almost impermeable to surface water standing against it; and when permeable rocks are covered with many feet of soil, the leakage through such soil from standing water newly placed above it generally diminishes rapidly, and in process of time often ceases entirely. That can be permeated; open to passage or penetration, esp. permeable definition is - capable of being permeated : penetrable; especially : having pores or openings that permit liquids or gases to pass through. Jacquerod and Perrot have found that quartz-glass is freely permeable to helium below a red-heat (Comet. They may be quite permeable, but to prevent undue settlement and distortion they must, like the puddle, be well consolidated. Let us suppose that we possess a partition such as that described above, which is permeable to the solvent but not to the solute when dissolved in it, and let us connect the solution and solvent of fig. These cookies do not store any personal information. Rigid gas permeable (RGPs) contact lenses are used to correct myopia. Soft and Gas permeable contact lenses start at £ 49 per pair, with daily disposables at £ 1 per pair. How do you decide if you want to wear gas permeable contacts versus soft contact lenses? We have asked Berkeleys to redesign this junction - to conform to their stated policy of making the whole site permeable on foot. In order to prevent a tendency to slip, due to sudden and partial changes of satura tion, the outer embankment should always be permeable, and well drained at the base except close to the puddle. Still others, such as rigid gas permeable lenses, can be worn for a year. For similar reasons care must be taken to ensure that the structure of the water face of the dam shall be the least permeable of any part. The impermeable rain coat kept water from ruining the woman’s cashmere sweater. The sunbeams pass as readily through the entire thickness of … With the exception of the Red Marls forming the upper part of the Keuper, most of the New Red Sandstone is permeable, and some parts contain, when saturated, even more water than solid chalk; but, just as in the case of the chalk, a well or borehole in the sandstone yields very little water unless it strikes a fissure; hence, in New Red Sandstone, also, it is a common thing to form underground chambers or adits in search of additional fissures, and sometimes to sink many vertical boreholes with the same object in view. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Perform the permutation tests and compare the results. adjective If a substance is permeable, something such as water or gas can pass through it or soak into it. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. If a substance is permeable, it allows liquids or gases to go through it: 2. Soft contacts can be more comfortable when first inserted into your eyes than the gas permeable lenses. permeable underlay to improve the thermal performance of the roof will inevitably change the roof ventilation requirements. The Upper and Middle Chalk are permeable almost through their mass. On the upheaval of such rocks above the sea-level, fresh water from rainfall began to flow over their exposed surfaces, and, 12. There is usually at least an adjustment period when switching from glasses or soft lenses to rigid gas permeable lenses, though some users never feel comfortable wearing them. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. It is important to be fitted by an eye care professional when planning on wearing this type of lenses so they can assess if your eyes are in the condition needed to wear a gas permeable lens. permeable. How to use permeable in a sentence. "Flat permeable membrane and method for manufacture thereof" "Levetiracetam is a highly soluble and permeable compound" "Selectively permeable … Gas permeable lenses are rigid and hold their shape when blinking, resulting in crisp vision. Impermeable glass was used in the picture frame to keep moisture from the photo. Main SUDS used permeable paving has been used in the Phase 3 parking areas with a total site area of approximately 1.2 Ha. Thus the permeable vein grows vertically rather than horizontally, and ultimately assumes the form of a thin vertical sheet traversing the puddle wall, often diagonally in plan, and having a thickness which has varied in different cases from a few inches to a couple of feet or more, of almost clean sand rising to an observed height of 30 or 40 ft., and only arrested in its upward growth by the necessary lowering of the reservoir water to avoid serious danger. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. 2. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. An increase in non permeable hard surface areas can significantly reduce levels of groundwater recharge. permeable rock strata at depths of 300 to 6,000 feet. Sentences Containing 'permeable' For example, vessels lined with a highly gas- permeable material such as palladium (which is a high-capacity hydrogen sponge) create special outgassing problems. 35. Studies have linked the condition of permeable intestinal tracts or leaky gut with autism. Reverse Osmosis works using water pressure, water is forced through a semi permeable fabric, also known as the membrane. Some are designed for soft lenses; others are designed for rigid gas permeable lenses. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. ‘permeable sandy soils’ ‘The dialysis membrane is permeable to all the plasma constituents, with the exception of plasma proteins.’ ‘A semi-permeable membrane is otherwise known as a selectively permeable membrane.’ , Because the case was not permeable, the files were safe from water during the flood. Contact lenses come in two different forms: soft and gas permeable. Design examples Park and ride schemes -- uses permeable pavements, swales, filter strips and ponds to treat diffuse pollution. Rigid gas permeable lenses are not, however, known for their comfort. permeable meaning: 1. , Thinking it wasn’t permeable, the camper was surprised that the water was able to get through his tent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Soft and Gas Permeable contact lenses start at £ 49 per pair, with daily disposables at £ 1 per pair. There are two types of contact lenses: rigid gas permeable (sometimes referred to as "hard" contact lenses) and soft contact lenses. ‘The dialysis membrane is permeable to all the plasma constituents, with the exception of plasma proteins.’ ‘A semi-permeable membrane is otherwise known as a selectively permeable membrane.’ ‘A ‘carrier bed’ is a porous and permeable rock near the source rock through which petroleum flows from source to trap.’ But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. If a substance is…. , Permeable materials were used to create a net that let in water but not debris. Both soft contact lenses and rigid gas permeable lenses have their advantages and disadvantages. Do you want to know the difference between gas permeable contacts versus soft contact lenses? Sentences Mobile This semi permeable membrane can operate at reduced operating pressures as compared to reverse osmosis. The shell is freely permeable to small gas molecules, including water vapor. Perhaps some of the barriers may now become more permeable. wide, which ran, not at the bottom of the valleys, where there were sometimes streams already, and where, in any case, erosion would have broken through their roofs, but along their slopes, through the less permeable tufa, their object being to drain the hills on each side of the valleys. 5 be the section of a circular island a mile and a quarter in diameter, of uniformly permeable sand. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. In addition to membranes, fibers may also be semipermeable. 2. 3. The positions of springs are determined by permeable depressions in the surface of the ground below the general level of saturation, and frequently also by the holding up of that level locally by comparatively impermeable strata, sometimes combined with a fault or a synclinal fold of the strata, forming the more permeable portion into an underground basin or channel lying within comparatively impermeable boundaries. The crust of the earth, so far as it is permeable and above the sea-level, receives from rainfall its supply of fresh water. The conception of a semi-permeable membrane, permeable to the solvent only, was used by van't Hoff as a means of applying the principles of thermodynamics to the theory of solution. 30. by fluids. Rigid gas permeable lenses are even more likely to dry out and cause dry eyes. What does permeable mean? The inner slope should be protected from the action of waves by so-called " hand-pitching," consisting of roughlysquared stonework, bedded upon a layer of broken stone to prevent local disturbance of the embankment by action of the water between the joints of the larger stones. Sentence Examples Many soils have a topsoil layer that is more permeable than the clay subsoil. But it is never advisable to rely upon this action, where, as in the case of a reservoir for water supply, large portions of naturally permeable bottom are liable to be uncovered and exposed to the weather. The buildings on the north side of Eastgate are good enough to retain, tho they could be made more permeable at ground level. Jacquerod and Perrot have found that quartz-glass is freely permeable to helium below a red-heat (Comet. Another word for permeable. Water is not contained in gas permeable lenses so lipids and proteins found in tears do not stick to them as they do to soft lenses. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. This is reflected in unprecedented June runoff totals for some southern rivers draining permeable catchments. a permeablefabric that allows your body heat to escape will be much more comfortable in the summertime Recent Examples on the WebGases trapped deep under the permafrost can migrate up through permeable zones or fractures in the ground and collect in the talik. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Lay down permeable landscaping fabric, cutting holes for the stones, and stake it to the ground. It's difficult to see selectively permeable in a sentence. As the drainage by cuniculi removed the moisture in the subsoil, so the drainage of the lakes by emissaria, outlet channels at a low level, prevented the permeable strata below the tufa from becoming impregnated with moisture which they would otherwise have derived from the lakes of the Alban Hills. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Permeable sentence examples. Learn more. Moisture properites Sto renders offer protection from driving rain, yet remain vapor permeable. If you're suffering from discomfort from your rigid gas permeable lenses or less than clear vision from your soft lenses, trying a pair of hybrid contacts may be worth a try. reverse osmosis works using water pressure, water is forced through a semi permeable fabric, also known as the membrane. Cushny has shown experimentally that slowing of the blood-flow through renal tissue causes less sodium chloride to appear in the urine while the excretion of urea and sulphates remains unaffected; apparently the chloride, being more permeable, is reabsorbed and so only appears to be excreted in less quantity. Something that is permeable has pores through which gas or liquid may pass or be absorbed through. Most of the streams maintain a good flow of water in the driest seasons, and in case of heavy rains many of them " underflow " the adjacent bottom lands, saturating the permeable substratum of the country with the surplus water, which in time drains out and feeds the subsiding streams. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. At the lower lips or at the most permeable parts of these basins or channels such rainfall as does not flow over the surface, or is not evaporated or absorbed by vegetation, and does not, while still below ground reach the level of the sea, issues as springs, and is the cause of the continued flow of rivers and streams during prolonged droughts. , The cold air nipped through the permeable stockings that clung to the woman’s legs. For many eye conditions, gas permeable lenses offer clearer vision. They are all permeable, and the reason they're permeable is that nobody likes someone who talks shit about other people. permeable membrane " of applied research. The hybrid contact lens has the rigid gas permeable center with a soft lens "skirt" extending out past the iris to offer a more comfortable fit. 20 sentence examples: 1. This feature is particularly true of the Saline, Solomon and Smoky Hill rivers. How to say permeable in English? The channel is impermeable to anions but is permeable to a diverse group of cations. that absorbs or allows the passage of fluids or gases, The permeable material allowed a large amount of water to seep through. Pronunciation of permeable with 2 audio pronunciations, 11 synonyms, 1 meaning, 1 antonym, 12 translations, 3 sentences and more for permeable. Definition of permeable adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. If you lose your gas permeable lens then it will need to be replaced with a whole new lens. Because the case was not permeable, the files were safe from water during the flood. The Upper and Middle Chalk are permeable to a diverse group of cations mixed,. Are good enough to retain, tho they could be made more.... Joint once rain stops can significantly reduce levels of groundwater recharge stated policy making! 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