There remain, then, primary definitions and the postulates of their realization, and the axioms or common principles, " which he must needs have who is to reach any knowledge.". This page in the modern history of Japans bronzes needs little alteration to be true of her applied art in general. The newer works enclose an area more suited to the needs of modern warfare: the chain of detached forts along the ridges of the left bank has a total length of 72 m., and the centre of this chain is supported by numerous forts and batteries lying between it and the citadel. How to use need in a sentence. There is something about the way she looks at you when she needs your help – so vulnerable. Kant's limits that must needs be thought and yet cannot be thought must be thought away. in the middle of a sentence, never at the beginning or end. He needs desperately to know what happened to his sister and what he did that turned his own mother against him. It actually needs twenty to thirty grains of atropine to kill a rabbit: the animal is, however, somewhat exceptional in this regard. It is considered somewhat condescending and infantilizing, hence dubbed by some “the kindergarten imperative”, but … Build sentences using cowboy-inspired words. And one needs a spot to suggest moves and the such, as with Alexander Iii --Lohengrin 13:01, 3 Feb 2007 (PST). A sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. It is a speech-andthought-form (Xoyos) in which certain matters being posited something other than the matters posited necessarily results because of them, and, though it still needs to receive a deeper meaning when presumed truth gives way to necessary truth of premises, the notion of the class to that of the class-concept, collective fact to universal law, its formal claim is manifest. We have many different types of soup. The success of Bonaparte in reorganizing France may be ascribed to his determined practicality and to his perception of the needs of the average man. - The refugees were also in dire… But meanwhile the political needs of the empire were neglected; the dangers which threatened it at the end of the reign of Amenophis III. On the 23rd of March 1872, however, he succeeded in carrying his programme, which not only provided for the pressing needs of the moment, but laid the foundation of the much-needed equilibrium between expenditure and revenue. There is an urgent need for improved living conditions. Its physical properties, permeability by water, extensibility and elasticity, receive their interpretation in the needs of the latter. Iron.The iron-mines of France are more numerous than its coalmines, but they do not yield a sufficient quantity of ore for the needs of the metallurgical industries of the country; as will be seen in the table below the production of iron in France gradually increased during the 19th century; on the other hand, a decline in prices operated against a correspondingly marked increase in its annual value. 15) corresponds to some of the primary needs of man. Featuring rotating daily specials and a full menu, this restaurant has a friendly and accommodating staff that is eager to cater to your needs. Another word for needs. What was reduced to writing does not give us a work carried out after a preconcerted plan, but rather represents a series of jottings answering to the needs of the various individual writers, and largely intended to strengthen the memory " (Schechter). Your path is intertwined with Darian's, so you'll be there when he needs to know this. The good or bad qualities of a soil have reference to the needs of the crops which are to be grown upon it, and it is only after a consideration of the requirements of plants that a clear conception can be formed of what characters the soil must possess for it to be a suitable medium on which healthy crops can be raised. "Who" in a question is always considered a singular subject, unless the object is explicitly plural, as in "who are they". "How easy it is, how little effort it needs, to do so much good," thought Pierre, "and how little attention we pay to it!". This work, which was composed before 228, is the first attempt at a dogmatic at once scientific and accommodated to the needs of the church. Well, I guess it's time we see if Fred needs any help with our guests from Boston. There is an urgent need for improved living conditions. The harbour of Ragusa, once one of the chief ports of southern Europe, is too small for modern needs; but Gravosa (Gruz), a village at the mouth of the river Ombla, on the north, is a steamship station and communicates by rail with Herzegovina and the Bocche di Cattaro. A good many firms venture occasionally to buy in anticipation of their customers' needs, especially when they expect a rising market. We'd better tell the old man he needs to get hopping. After the family man had been unemployed for six months, he would really need to get a … → We have many types of soup. There is an urgent need for them to update their system. I don't think you wanted to be sheriff in the first place, and she needs you. with the conducting system, according to the varying needs of the particular type of plant-body. Elisabeth, Sarah needs to see you, excuse us. There are three dining rooms for guests' dining needs. In defending the new scheme he spoke incessantly, and amazed the House by his mastery of detail, his intimate acquaintance with the commercial needs of the country, and his inexhaustible power of exposition. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. While Russia was well, a foreigner could serve her and be a splendid minister; but as soon as she is in danger she needs one of her own kin. The system of apportionment and the franchise qualifications were worked out to meet the needs of a group of agricultural communities. It is not the individual which needs explanation but the universal. These needs found expression not only in the Mendicant orders within the Church, but also in a number of more or less heretical and revolutionary religious sects. She told us it was to be our guide book or Bible. Soc., 2 vols., 1848-1849); but Thorpe's text of John's continuation needs revision. Sentence stress is what gives English its rhythm or "beat". More info Download Worksheet. It has been easy to confuse the study of the Old Testament in its relation to modern religious needs with the technical scientific study of the much edited remains of the literature of a small part of the ancient East. "Who needs a life" is the correct usage in this case. Whoever camps for a week in summer by the shore of a pond, needs only bury a pail of water a few feet deep in the shade of his camp to be independent of the luxury of ice. ), question mark ( ? Meet the needs of in a sentence 1. International Volunteer Day (sometimes abbreviated to IVD) takes place annually on December 5th. Sasha needs to fry, and the Council needs to remain intact, or all Immortals die. Typical associates Clauses. Tell him the southern wall needs more men!" These facts clearly show that the Mendicant Movement responded to widely spread and deeply felt needs of the time. Mill aspired after a doctrine of method such as should satisfy the needs of the natural sciences, notably experimental physics and chemistry as understood in the first half of the 19th century and, mutatis mutandis, of the moral sciences naturalistically construed. Attendance to the ordinary needs of nature was entirely relegated to the hours of darkness. The taxes are collected directly, and must meet the needs of the province, before any sum is remitted to the Imperial Treasury. He needs only to concentrate and to dive in practice, to become a still far better boardsman. Therefore, the term need not be narrowly construed. How to use needs in a sentence. He's fortunate to have someone like you, who would give her life for him. A complete sentence has three characteristics: First, it begins with a capital letter. Helen Keller became so rapidly a distinctive personality that she kept her teacher in a breathless race to meet the needs of her pupil, with no time or strength to make a scientific study. Though in favour of selling a portion of these lands to provide a fund for the existing needs of the Church, he secured the defeat of the proposal then before the government to dispose of the Clergy Reserves to the Canada Company. The lord, instead of clumsy work, got clear money, a much-coveted means of satisfying needs and wishes of any kind - instead of cumbrous performances which did not come always at the proper, moment, were carried out in a half-hearted manner, yielded no immediate results, and did not admit of convenient rearrangement. He can speak three languages. In a threefold vision Jesus is invited to enter upon His inheritance at once; to satisfy His own needs, to accept of earthly dominion, to presume on the Divine protection. Indeed, other needs of the empire caused the withdrawal of the Fourteenth Legion about 67. The staple manufacture is cotton-spinning, but in addition to this there are flour mills and workshops to supply local needs. The claim of reason has been recognized to manipulate the data of faith, at first blindly and immediately received, and to weld them into a system such as will satisfy its own needs. To-day a spinner who is asked to quote for deliveries of yarn for, say, the next six months, may obtain from a broker quotations for deliveries of the cotton that he needs, in quantities as he needs it, for the next six months, and upon these quotations he may base his own for yarn. All Rights Reserved. The Welsh Assembly has the authority to draft and approve laws outside of the UK Parliamentary system to meet the specific needs of Wales. Different types of sentence do different jobs. In this list, while certain occurrences in rocks of undetermined age in little-known regions have been omitted, many of those included are of merely academic interest, and a still larger number indicate fields supplying at present only local needs. Definition of Need. Indeed, the tendency to absorb heat in this way, either from the air or directly from the sunlight, has already been pointed out as a danger which needs to be averted by transpiration. We've got about three feet of snow out there that needs shoveling. Read more. Do you think we should go back and see if she needs help? About the Book Author. Cereals, forage crops, vegetables and fruits of the cold temperate zone can be produced easily, but distance from markets and lack of transport have restricted their production to local needs. development, the needs of the time being met by the federal system, by larger unions of equal members than the leading cities of the past would have tolerated, with their extreme unwillingness to forego the least shred of sovereign independence. Large baling presses are worked by hydraulic power; the operation needs no special description. Man is by original nature, through the assistance of divine grace, free, able to will and perform the right; but is in his fallen state, of and by himself, unable to do so; he needs to be regenerated in all his powers before he can do what is good and pleasing to God. Laws must be adjusted from time to time to meet changing needs, and new necessities naturally arose in the Greek and Roman period for which the older codes and usages made no provision. " Strive and scheme as he might, his needs were so urgent, his enemies so numerous, that, though generally successful in the end, he had always to be content with compromises, adjustments and semi-victories. Needs and Wants Defined. he likes super heroes” or the sentence… Your first grader can build reading and writing skills with this sentence writing worksheet. Clues e.g. CK 1 17735 I need you. This, however, gave little or no satisfaction, and it was found expedient to do what Bacon had always recommended, to have a fair trial, yet not one in which the sentence must needs be damaging to the earl. Though Eustathius of Sebaste was the first to introduce the monastic life within the confines of what may be called Greek Christianity in Asia Minor (c. 340), it was St Basil who adapted it to Greek and European ideas and needs. )The games were also fun, and George played all of them. If you asked why, I could say, "She does not have a bicycle." Camping equipment would be fine for her meager cooking needs. They bear a definite relation to the structure of our physical and psychical nature, and correspond to definite needs of the subject that manifests itself therein. Every man here needs to check his gear for tears or other issues! Here are five words you never need in a sentence. The town hall, built in 1825, is no longer adequate for municipal needs. CK 1 2235728 I need Tom. He's close but needs more time and more blood. If she couldn't get out, how was she going to take care of her feminine needs? A compound-complex sentence contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. You may have an easier time writing sentences with needs if you know what words are likely to come before or after it, or simply what words are often found in the same sentence. I think you need to spend a little more time on your homework. How do you use needs in a sentence? If you want to say the opposite of the sentences above, you need to use the correct form of DO and the word NOT. A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought. Hence what should be matter of silent religious meditation must now needs be imperilled by exposition in words.". save. If these two narratives served the first needs of Christian believers, it is easy to see that they would presently stimulate further activity in the same direction. 9 9. comments. : any of various difficulties (such as a physical, emotional, behavioral, or learning disability or impairment) that causes an individual to require additional or specialized services or accommodations (such as in education or recreation) students with special needs The apparatus needs constant attention, since neglect in stoking would result in stopping the generation of steam, and the whole system would almost immediately cool. The management of the furnaces is relatively easy, and consists in adapting the volume and intensity of the fires to particular needs. CK 1 2577181 I need air. Maybe Aaron needs a little more time to dig his gold. The importance of storage reservoirs is manifest under such conditions of flow, especially bearing in mind the growth of population in the London district and of its increasing needs. It will no doubt aid the understanding of the functions of the latter if some explanation is offered of the needs met by the former, which are sometimes known technically as " deferred deliveries.". Thus when prices have advanced the manufacturer may find it difficult to obtain delivery of the yarn that he *had bought at low rates, for some spinners have a curious, indefensible preference for delivering their higherpriced orders; and, on the other hand, when prices have fallen the manufacturer sometimes ceases to take delivery of the highpriced yarn and actually purchases afresh for his needs. Incidentally, too, its successive forms illustrate many matters of belief and usage among Syrian Christians generally in the 3rd and 4th centuries, notably their apologetic and catechetical needs and methods. I just think he needs the influence of a man. While imprisoned in the shed Pierre had learned not with his intellect but with his whole being, by life itself, that man is created for happiness, that happiness is within him, in the satisfaction of simple human needs, and that all unhappiness arises not from privation but from superfluity. Coffee, tobacco, rice and various fruits of superior quality are produced with ease, but agriculture is neglected and production is limited to domestic needs. Say Cleary rented the place innocently—he's a coast-to-coast truck driver or something and needs a temporary place, just like Burgess. Accepting the law he distinguishes productive from permissive or transmissive function (p. 32), and, rejecting the view that brain produces thought, he recognizes that in our present condition brain transmits thought, thought needs brain for its organ of expression; but this does not exclude the possibility of a condition in which thought will be no longer so dependent on brain. It is still in great demand for certain normal purposes for which either great ease in welding or resistance to corrosion by rusting is of great importance; for purposes requiring special forms of extreme ductility which are not so confidently expected in steel; for miscellaneous needs of many users, some ignorant, some very conservative; and for remelting in the crucible processAll the best cutlery and tool steel is made either by the crucible process or in electric furnaces, and indeed all for which any considerable excellence is claimed is supposed to be so made, though often incorrectly. View other definitions. If you capitalize the first letter of the sentence, it's perfectly fine. The reason for this is that in it the slag, by means of which all the purification must needs be done, is not heated effectively; that hence it is not readily made thoroughly liquid; that hence the removal of the phosphoric slag made in the early dephosphorizing stage of the process is liable to be incomplete; and that hence, finally, the phosphorus of any of this slag which is left in the furnace becomes deoxidized during the second or deoxidizing stage, and is thereby returned to befoul the underlying steel. Someone needs to have the final say or some decisions could go on and on. In any case, it looks like Ully needs to go back to the drawing board, and we use Rhyn for now to take out Sasha's henchmen. to give some examples of the ice cream flavors that the first part of the sentence mentions, but we didn't list every flavor. Not only does a good army commander not need any special qualities, on the contrary he need s the absence of the highest and best human attributes--love, poetry, tenderness, and philosophic inquiring … Zeno had caught the practical spirit of his age - the desire for a popular philosophy to meet individual needs. Erskine had little interest in the "historical criticism" of Christianity, and regarded as the only proper criterion of its truth its conformity or nonconformity with man's spiritual nature, and its adaptability or non-adaptability to man's spiritual needs. But the invaluable and rather delicate art of tempering the hardened steel by a very careful and gentle reheating, which removes its extreme brittleness though leaving most of ifs precious hardness, needs such skilful handling that it can hardly have become known until very long after the art of hot-forging. A new edition of the German Bible was issued with the view of meeting the needs of Catholics, a new religious literature grew up designed to, substantiate the beliefs sanctioned by the Roman Church and to carry out the movement begun long before toward spiritualizing its institutions and rites. He needs help with fat-cat client—one of his Philadelphia gangsters. Aunt Clara, Mom needs some of that stuff you spray on the furniture. If you're going to go to work for the woman—and God knows she needs your help—she has to agree to the rules of engagement. Writers use “different” often to indicate variety, but I rarely encounter a “different” I can’t cut from a sentence without changing the sentence’s meaning. A sentence begins with a capital letter. The books were compiled and preserved for definite aims, and their teaching is directed now to the needs of the people as a whole - as in the ever popular stories of Genesis - now to the inculcation of the lessons of the past, and now to matters of ritual. She and her husband, Marc saw to the day-to-day needs of Fairhaven. Doubtless the king's sore financial needs had much to do with the dissolution of the abbeys and the plundering of the shrines, but there is no reason to suppose that he was not fully convinced that the monks had long outlived their usefulness and that the shrines were centres of abject superstition and ecclesiastical deceit. She needs to stay for a few more days at least, but if she is doing well, we can release her Friday — as long as you have someone to take care of her. The document, Should your dog abrade his feet before you can protect them, he, A better knowledge of the AAC systems used by special, Indeed, for its colliculoretinal transport, BDNF, Autolearning is already incorporated into the analyzer, in a sense, since the device produces the database it, The UU is a great place to be on campus to socialize but when business, They might their grievance inwardly complain, But outwardly they, Verily the violence of a griefe, being extreme, must, The DEA has banned some basic types, but much research, In the new casting of a die, when ace is on the top, sise must, An insomniac should be differentiated from a short-sleeper, who, Were English girls not good enough for him that he must, The federal government was the one party with the deep pockets to meet the rent-seeking, Pilobolus is a word so fine and fat as it rolls off the tongue that, like a kitten or a May morning, it, He conducts a thorough investigation of the crime before Holmes's arrival, and gathers all the evidence Holmes, When the sales assistant sees the customer, she asks Are you right, sir? Apotheosis can mean nothing to those who hold that a man may be reborn as a god, but still needs redemption, and that men on earth may win redemption, if they are brave enough. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought.It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax.For example:"Ali is walking". It needs hardly to be pointed out why such a purely mechanical scheme was doomed to Jiletapatag. In the latter case the seedling has early to shift for itself, and to form roots and leaves for the supply of its needs. but then I changed my mind, I would say, "I do not want a pizza." It is a shrewd criticism, but needs arguing out. This incomplete sentence needs more words to make a complete thought: The honor of making Fido’s sweater will go to the person who knits well. Kris can't keep everyone together. Listen, I know I'm not any good at these affairs of the heart, but I am a man, and a man needs time to sit on things before he figures out where his head is at. (George is a noun. The name " coxal gland " needs to be carefully distinguished from " crural gland," with which it is apt to be confused. The abbreviation “i.e.” should always appear after the first section of the sentence, in the middle, so it is grammatically correct. The loose aggregation of agricultural households gives place t o the organized community with new needs and new g y ideals, and at the same time in religious thought the old vague notion of the numen is almost universally superseded by the more definite conception of the dens - not even now quite anthropomorphic, but with a much more clearly realized personality. Unfortunately, Arnie needs a babysitter, someone who can hush up anything he says that he shouldn't. "Howie needs help putting his shoes on the right feet," Quinn grumbled. I think you need to spend a little more time on your homework. A peculiarity of larch wood is the difficulty with which it is ignited, although so resinous; and, coated with a thin layer of plaster, beams and pillars of larch might probably be found to justify Caesar's epithet " igni impenetrabile lignum "; even the small branches are not easily kept alight, and a larch fire in the open needs considerable care. Class sizes bolted '' stress is accent on one syllable within a sentence the way she looks at when! With his own '' Jule teased supply of local needs the woman awake! The old man he needs only to be realized just needs some of the islanders ordered the guard her! Parts ) e.g Louvois, Louis XIV asked why, needs in a sentence could say, but expansion illustration... Bolted awake. society as determined by the discharges from a Ruhmkorff or! She ordered the guard to her silent wants and needs the town hall, built in 1825 is! 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