Mirabelle Ervine and Ancano's conversation does not play out. Their disappearance, of course! I do indeed. Not at all. Not at this point. He will be quite surprised when you hand him Keening: "The dagger...? before he runs towards Winterhold. This concludes part 1 of the quest and you can start Part 2 right away. Which was how he found himself leaning against a wall, listening to Arniel Gane go on about a project to learn about the disappearance of the dwarves. When asked about what the 'thing' is, Enthir will reveal that he never got an explanation either: "I don't know. You'll almost certainly need to find multiple Convectors. When you return to Arniel with the ten Dwemer cogs he will be happy to see his project getting underway and say: "Ah, that's excellent news. He then hands you the Warped Soul Gem and finishes the conversation. When approached he will say: "Well, certainly none of this will benefit my research...", and will be skeptical about the whole affair: "I'll be amazed if we find anything useful here." I should've expected as much. That would be nice." Just... just don't make a mess of my work, all right?" Just... Just don't make a mess of my work." I'm afraid I can't offer you much right now, but please take this. Skyrim - Can't find Arniel Gane Asked about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on April 28, 2012, 10:38 a.m. by mnystrom I've searched Saarthal thoroughly and can't find Arniel Gane. Thank you again so much for this." May the ground you walk quake as you pass." Discover the danger within Saarthal. He is often to be found on the upper floor of the Hall of Attainment, but may also be in the Hall of Countenance. When you reach the bridge you will find a confused Arniel along with Faralda. I didn't want to discuss it for fear this moment might never come. Enthir is once again holding out on me. I've already agreed to pay him quite handsomely for the... well, the item in question. Yes! No, I don't think so. Yet another mage trying to uncover the mysterious disappearance of the dwarves. Right, then...". He's somewhere in the northern section of the ruins. You need to have the rest of the faculty believe you are able to work with everyone. Sorry. This little experiment is a first step in recreating the events of their disappearance in an effort to unravel that mystery. As you enter the courtyard, most of the members of the College will stand and look at the dead body in disbelief. Hmm. I attempted to build my own, based on designs and using parts you helped to provide. Because I seem to recall doing just that for you recently, at which point you assured me that you'd cover my expenses. I'm afraid you've been a little mis-informed. Ah, yes. There are several exceptions to this routine, as he will participate in several quests related to the discovery of the Eye of Magnus. I swear we’re too nice. I remember you. Another set of unused dialogue (see bugs) shows Arniel attempt to make contact with Brelyna Maryon and, once again, Enthir: Arniel: "Do you think you might, err, have a moment to look at something for me?" When you pick up the Saarthal Amulet, you will be trapped and Tolfdir will panic while Arniel will remain unaffected. He then dedicates the entire day to his secret studies and stays in his room. I've already told him. After a brief conversation with Faralda, Arniel will only say: "What have we gotten ourselves into now?" ", So what's next? Arniel: "Well, err, yes. Not, err, not now. Go to the Arch Mages Quarters and take the stairs up. Arniel Gane, a Breton conjurer, is one of the scholars at the College of Winterhold. Just... Do whatever it takes to get him to stop lording this over me. This is a dwarven artifact beyond nearly all value. At least three seconds. It may not be 'official', but there is a, uhh, project I've been working on. Before long, Tolfdir will take control and order you to protect the city of Winterhold from the aftermath of Ancano's action. In order to reach Winterhold, you will of course need to use the long bridge connecting it with the College (screen above).Be careful, as some parts of the bridge will be destroyed and therefore it will be quite easy to fall down. When you accept to learn the spell Arniel's Convection he will happily say: "Wonderful, just wonderful! Talk to the Arch-Mage and receive your reward. Using a powerful and little-used summon, but not being afraid to go without it. Enthir: "What is it?" He leads an excavation at the tomb of Saarthal and will hope to experiment with Kagrenac's tools, the latter of which he is highly secretive of. I'll add this to the rest of the items. ", What's the big deal about this dagger? He will then close the conversation without revealing anything else. You. This should produce some notable effect." I have a great deal of work ahead of me." #36581965, #36596725, #36603770, #36604405 are all replies on the same post. After locating the courier and claiming the unique dagger Keening from the body, return to Arniel Gane. During the quest Good Intentions you can also ask him how to find the Augur of Dunlain: "What? However, one can still buy spells and other mage goods from the teachers there, as … Yes, there are calculations to double- and triple-check. Arniel was neither equipped for nor skilled in the science of Tonal Architecture. Err, nothing!" That's fine. What I'm doing is far too important. I, umm, I may require further assistance from you." This concludes Part 3 of Arniel's Endeavor. You, uh, you can look around in the chambers just north of here. You've done excellent work here. But now he's refusing to deliver. and Arniel will respond: "Do we have to? As you progress through the College quest line, Arniel will share several opinions on the strange and sometimes tragic events that unfold. Two more stabs will still yield no effect: "I don't understand. Results, err, results should be soon." Thereafter, talk to Arniel again. I don't think there's anything further I need from you." I also lack Sunder, the counterpart to the dagger Keening. After years and years of work, I'm closing in on a way to investigate what happened through experimentation. Well no, of course you must have! I will, err, I mean I'll take care of that as soon as possible." All theoretical right now, you understand. You are to meet Arniel, who can be found relatively easily. Perhaps a little harder?" Along the way, Faralda will notice the hesitating Arniel and will yell: "Come on, Arniel. This great discovery will go completely unnoticed at the College – because nobody will even notice that Arniel is gone. Speaking to Enthir reveals that the item Arniel wants never belonged to him and is Enthir's property. This build came from the idea of using a shield, but being mobile and quick. Follow the walkways to the other side. Here's the gem Arniel was after. Can't take the time. But the implications are quite intriguing, I think. Find Arniel Gane [edit | edit source] Head through the doorway that is directly in front and follow the long winding corridor to another large cavern. Definitely on the right track. And what did you say the point of this little venture was?" > Once the anomalies are gone, speak to Tolfdir. What you are missing, however, is the pointof Kagrenac's Tonal Architecture - apotheosis by way of Numidium. Find Arniel Gane and help him find some artifacts. He will then stay behind and make sure the town is safe while you go talk to Mirabelle Ervine back at the College. Enthir: "Really, Arniel? (Minor Spoilers) User Info: DeathIX. I'm begging you.". Scraps, really. Only now... Well, it's simply a disaster.". All these years, so much time, so much energy... You must find it! That is, it might, but I'm not completely sure. So, it is necessary to do a favor for all who need them. Tell him that it disappeared after leaving Morrowind and he will get scared: "No, no no no. The quest Revealing the Unseen ends with a big bang. No, no. When you return with the altered soul gem, Arniel will have a new, and very grateful, greeting, ready for you: "Divines bless you. Can't breathe a word of it." He will then run amok and stab the gem several times, until a flash of light appears and everything goes quiet. Arniel Gane and his "endeavors" are another example of this. Arniel will wander around in the northwestern tunnels of the site, seemingly unengaged, still researching his secret project by reading a book. At 11pm Arniel returns to his quarters and strolls around until bedtime. "Obtain Dwarven Cogs for Arniel" can actually already be played while Arniel is still at Saarthal, provided the Dragonborn has the cogs. Enthir: "Right. Unfortunately, nobody cares about his important research: "I don't think anyone here truly understands how useful my work will be." Ancano's obsession with the Eye of Magnus causes a tragedy as Arch-Mage Savos Aren dies from the explosion. Goodness, no! If you attempt to make fun at him he will angrily say: "Don't patronize me!" When you first join the College as a mere apprentice, Arniel Gane will be secretive about his research although he hints at something very big: "I'm working on some very important research, I assure you." Gods, it's a wonder it's in one piece!" Page 98 of 782 - Immersive College of Winterhold - posted in File topics: Thanks for this mod, very immersive, endorsed.And a bugreport: 2 weapon racks in the archmage's quarters are placed upside down. Speak to him and ask if he needs some help. See this section for details. I'd like you to see the results first-hand. I haven't told him anything, of course. He will then draw the dagger and take a stab at the warped soul gem, with no result: "Hmm. ", After a few days time, Arniel will have relocated to the storage room on the second floor of the Hall of Countenance and will be ready with his last task, Part 4 of Arniel's Endeavor. This can't be happening." ", Nirya: "What are you up to, Gane? He is a very skilled mage and knows numerous spells, including Ironflesh, Dread Zombie, Revenant, Frost Cloak, Ice Storm, Icy Spear, Lightning Bolt, Close Wounds, Grand Healing, Greater Ward, and Steadfast Ward. Find Arniel Gane, who's probably at the main square of the College of Winterhold. I, err, I was unaware that I had forgotten that. I brought it to him, but he just keeps repeating the dialogue over and over. "This is not just a dagger! They take a lot of magic to kill each one, but with Faralda and Arniel Gane on your side you'll take them out quickly. Elder Scrolls and Fallout community: character builds, lore, discussions and more. I can't help but notice that you're doing quite well for yourself, rising through the ranks and all. The soul gem is a considerably weaker power source then the heart of lorkhan. I suspect it may be due to the nature of the soul gem versus the crystals this was intended for. Go find and speak to Arniel Gane, who will ask for help with a special project of his. I have something of mine, that I was going to sell to Arniel. Do you really believe he would honor our agreement, or go running off to the highest bidder? He'll show you what to do.". He's one of our scholars, here working on cataloging our finds. It's just that, well I'm not even really sure it's going to amount to anything just yet. ", and "I'll be amazed if any of us survive this. Once you have completed Hitting the Books, thus gaining respect from the members of the College, Arniel Gane will be ready to share a very little bit of his secret and admit he could use some help: "You mean the official sort of business? Enthir: "If you say so. Used by the tonal architects of the Dwemer to tap into the Heart of Lorkhan. Alternatively, he will greet you with: "You must be one of the new apprentices, then? He will, however, not really share any secrets; he just wants your help. You will find Tolfdir, Faralda and Arniel Gane battling magic anomalies, help them defeat them all. At that point he reveals his secret and asks for your help to uncover one of the greatest mysteries in Skyrim history. They're qualified to discuss him. I am close, so close! Instant, unexplainable. Isn't this exciting?" Unlike previous parts of the quest, about two or three days must pass before continuing. You're going to help? I don't understand. It's just something I'd prefer to keep to myself." On the main street of Winterhold, Arniel will finally show what he is capable of and will use all his magical skills to defeat the magic anomalies that float around. Anyone know how to fix this. ", "I hope you know what you're doing. Go find and speak to Arniel Gane, who will ask for help with a special project of his.He’ll want you to go and bring him TEN Dwemer Cog’s, but he WON’T tell you what he’s going to use them for…. It just can't! The dwarves were very clever, tapping into and drawing power from the Heart of Lorkhan itself. Could you perhaps speak with him, and see if we can come to some sort of arrangement?". Apparently, Arniel solved the great mystery of the disappearance of the ancient Dwemer, but went to the same place as them, taking the mystery and its solution with him. And perhaps, if this is all successful... Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. ", The first time Arniel Gane ventures outside the College is when Tolfdir suggests that you and the other apprentices help out with the excavation of Saarthal, one of the oldest ruins in Skyrim. The gate to the bridge is key-locked, meaning it cannot be picked open. It's irreplaceable, do you understand? Goodness, that's it, isn't it?! It's very particular, and very important." If one stay near the bed face to sanctuary orb, these are the 3rd and 4th to left.Arniel Gane wears only hood and pants, though there are other cloth in his inventory. Arniel: "Yes, err, apologies for the intrusion. Err, wouldn't do to say at all. The Dwemer, they were uhh, masters of magic in a way we can't even begin to conceive of. Please, you must set this right. I am reasonably, confident, however, that this will still work. Be a good colleague. I mean, no. Despite his huge knowledge and many skills, Arniel Gane is obviously shy, clumsy, and not really skilled in the art of communication. Ten of them should be enough for me to get a better understanding of how they were crafted. Imagine!" By Akatosh, they didn't even wrap it correctly? It's very valuable. He will not say anything else, so you will have to complete The Eye of Magnus before you can help him any further with the research. I told Arniel what I wanted in exchange for it, and he was unwilling to come up with it. Let's see what happens. Be good with students. I'll begin preparations. ", While things turn bad elsewhere in the College, Arniel Gane will offer you the next task right away, starting Part 2 of Arniel's Endeavor. The ahh, the one you helped me acquire." He will then exit conversation and the quest will start. And perhaps... well, I don't wish to speculate, but... What if we could contact the dwarves? When asked how the project is going he will be quite upset: "Terrible, just terrible. This starts Part 1 of the quest Arniel's Endeavor. In 4E 201, Arniel Gane, a researcher at the College of Winterhold in Skyrim, attempted to recreate the circumstances of the Dwemer's disappearance after obtaining Keening, one of Kagrenac's Tools, but vanished suddenly in the process, strengthening the theory that Kagrenac's use of the tools was the cause of the disappearance. A thousand theories of what could and could not have happened to the Dwemer exist. Once again, he will be uninterested but will take them back with the words: "I see. Arniel is located in the first room on the right on the second floor of the Hall of Attainment. I need to examine them for the methods used in forging them. When you return with the staff, Enthir will be pleased and say: "Well, well. This page was last modified on 11 May 2019, at 13:14. Usually, however, he should either be at the excavation site, or in his chamber at the College of Winterhold, on the upper floor of the Hall of Attainment (or wandering around the College). There's only one thing missing now, and that should be arriving shortly. Should he find a weapon to pick up, he will keep it equipped for the rest of the game. Both choices will lead to him saying: "It can't be lost. Enthir, a Bosmer with very strong ties to the Thieves Guild, lives on the same floor as Arniel. What if they're still out there? If you suggest he should build a new Convector he will be annoyed: "Hmm? No, no. Asked on April 28, 2012, 10:38 a.m. by mnystrom 3 answers ... missing husband help. Enthir only knows that the courier was on his way through Eastmarch when he disappeared. The Dragonborn may attempt to hit the Warped Soul Gem after Arniel has vanished using Keening. He made most of the arrangements himself, he just needed it transported from Morrowind. and "When I've finished what I'm working on, everyone will understand its significance." When approached he will ironically reflect on the recent events at the College: "Perhaps we can go another few decades without a disaster. I knew I could count on you! Try and be careful, all right? If you have talked with him before at the College he will greet you with: "What? We didn't all grow up in dwarven ruins, you know." Mirabelle Ervine... Or Tolfdir. on April 28, 2012, 10:38 a.m. I'm no tonal architect, of course! He lives in the Hall of Attainment, in the first room on the right on the second floor, and sleeps there every night between 4am and noon. He will now have set up the Warped Soul Gem in the storage room. Page 827 of 911 - Skyrim Immersive Creatures - posted in File topics: In response to post #36563745. He knew exactly WHAT the dwemer did, just didn't understand the (meta)physics behind the whole process. This lends credence to why only Arniel Gane was sundered from his body and tied to the LDB, and not all Bretons. Enthir proceeds to explain that Arniel's 'thing' was supposed to be delivered by courier, but never showed up from Morrowind and that there is little he can do about it. Thank you again. Once you have broken the barrier, you can head back to Arniel and hand him your findings. If I require anything else, I shall be sure and let you know." It's quite promising, I believe. Nirya: "Don't even talk to me, Gane." Never opening the actual dialogue window. Two options are available. He then reveals that you need to acquire the Staff of Tandil to exchange whatever it is Arniel is after. It might be better to wait until the quest is actually properly launched when Arniel is back at the college though. When asked if you can offer further assistance he will say: "As a matter of fact, there is something you can do for me. Lacking the heart of a dead god, I do n't make a mess of my work.... The courtyard, most of the new apprentices, then has some simple-minded courier delivering it? the used. 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